Auburn University Recruitment: 5 Common Myths Debunked

Ah, it’s that time of year again... sorority recruitment. A super hectic and nerve-racking week, but at the same time a very fun and exciting week! From personal experience, I remember hearing about certain things that happened during the recruitment process that later turned out to be 100% false. So, in hopes of sparing you from mini panic attacks and restless nights during the upcoming week, here are 5 recruitment myths I wish I would’ve known about sooner.

If I am the first girl out the door, does it mean they don't like me? 

Apparently if you’re the first girl out the door, you’re definitely going to be dropped…This couldn’t be further from the truth. Every single chapter has the same precise amount of time that PNMs can stay for a party. For every girl who stays even a second over the given amount of time, there’s a fine the chapter must pay. So, when the music starts back up, signaling it’s time to go, someone must start leaving. Chances are, if you’re one of the ones closest to the door, you’ll be ushered out first. So, don’t get upset or offended they just don’t want to pay a huge fine!

Is it weird to rush as a Sophomore?

Last year, there was "fake news" that if you were a Sophomore going through recruitment then it was weird. Nope. Actually, there are many Sophomores who decide to go through recruitment. It’s not all freshmen. Whether you’re transferring from another school, or you just decided not to go through recruitment your first year— it is not strange at all and it doesn’t affect your chances of getting a bid.

rush 2018

Can I trust my Pi Chi, or do they listen and tell? 

Rumor has it, Pi Chis like to listen to you and the group’s conversations then run back to their sorority and tell them everything. Not true. Relax, Pi Chis are not allowed to talk to their sorority or any other sorority member for that matter. Period.

They chose to be a Pi Chi, knowing they would have to disaffiliate with their chapter. They haven’t been able to talk to them since the week before recruitment. They are there to encourage you, listen to you and help you throughout the week. I promise the last thing they are trying to do is ruin your recruitment.

Do I have to wear a black dress on Pref Day? 

Don’t believe the misconception that black dresses on Pref Day are required. Yes, traditionally black Pref Day dresses were a thing, but it’s 2018. Times have changed and sorority recruitment has changed. Wear a blue or pink dress or any color you want because it is not required to be black!

Recruitment 2018

She stopped liking my Insta pics, so does that mean she doesn't like me anymore?

Okay, I admit it. I believed this myth when I went through recruitment. I knew some sorority girls before coming, and we liked each other’s Instagram pictures because we were friends. A week or two before rush started, I noticed they weren’t liking my pictures and I started to worry. It may seem silly, but I was convinced they didn’t like me anymore.
Nope—  not the case. Once pre- recruitment starts, sorority members aren’t allowed to contact PNMs in any way— texting, calling or even through social media. It’s a Panhellenic rule.  Don’t fret. They’ll start liking them again after the week is over.

Regardless of what crazy rumors you might hear throughout the week, remember to have fun and enjoy the experience. You get to meet many amazing girls and make countless memories. You aren’t going to regret it!

For more information, visit the Auburn Panhellenic Webpage or follow them on Instagram @AU_Panhellenic.

Be well, Auburn.

Photography: The Auburn Plainsman

Originally from Guntersville, Alabama, Mary Goodwin is a junior at Auburn majoring in marketing with a dual minor in industrial/ graphic design and business analytics. If she had it her way, she’d be majoring in good books and afternoon runs.

Mary Goodwin lives for early mornings, lots of coffee and good conversation. She has a deep passion for others and is elated to use her work as an avenue for just that.