My Language Learning Experience

My experience learning a second language started when I was a middle schooler back in Brazil.

Like most students, I knew the importance of learning English, but it didn’t become a priority until I decided to study in the United States. In Brazil, the school system provides English classes in their academic curriculum; however, most students simply don’t have enough interest to go beyond the mandatory 1-hour English class per week. Luckily, my family always encouraged me to continue studying English, so I was enrolled in an English school outside of the school system. I would have class three times a week, and after a few months, I could clearly see the difference in my level of understanding.

Even though I was progressing, the goal of becoming fluent was still far away. Learning a new language can be challenging and discouraging sometimes, especially when you start speaking. You will stumble along the way, and that’s okay. I remember how frustrating it was when I would get stuck or blank on words during a conversation. Getting out of your comfort zone is the key to success; you need to learn from your mistakes and keep trying. Once you become fluent in your dream language, you will see how rewarding it is. If I had to name the top 3 factors that helped me to reach the next level, I would say motivation, consistency, and enjoyment.


Like in any other activity, motivation is a determining factor to achieving success, so ask yourself why you want to learn a second language. Whether is planning that dream trip, studying abroad, seeking career advancement, or wanting to speak with more people, you should have a reason behind everything that will make you stick with it until the end. When I decided to study in the United States, my motivation to study English changed completely. I knew that my success here would be determined by my English skills. In order to communicate with others, make new friends, perform well academically, or find a job in the future, I would have to study harder and smarter. This is when consistency comes into to play.


Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. One of the things that helped me the most was creating the habit of studying English almost every day. Consistency is what helps your brain to start thinking in a second language. I found that setting goals were crucial for my progress. For example, “For this week, I want to learn 20 new words”. Then, you can use flashcards and measure how you did. Time management is another key factor to success. We often don’t realize how much time we waste on meaningless things. Instead of browsing on social media, set aside at least 15-20 minutes to study. If you make this a repeated action, eventually it will become a habit. I have also found that learning a new language shouldn’t stop once you leave the classroom. It is a continuous process, and you can have fun with it.



Language immersion is another crucial step to becoming fluent, and the best part is that you can enjoy your learning experience through the many fun alternatives available out there. One of my favorites is watching movies and tv shows. It might be hard, in the beginning, to comprehend everything, but the main idea is to get used to listening to day-to-day conversations. For example, I used to watch Friends to improve my listening skills and learn new words. If you like to listen to music and podcasts, this is also an excellent alternative. Now if you are just starting, there is an app called Duolingo that uses different teaching methods like selecting pictures, word matching, and reading funny stories. After all, learning a new language becomes a passion, and you will find various ways to learn a new thing every day.

I know from personal experience that learning a new language is challenging, but if you stick with it, you will see the desired results. Understanding these 3 factors—motivation, consistency, and enjoyment—helped me with my learning process, and I hope these tips inspire you to pursue your dream of learning a new language.

Be Well, Auburn.

Photography: Various Contributors