Sneak These Veggies in Your Smoothie
Trying to incorporate more veggies into your diet? Sneak them into your smoothie!
Shh…don’t tell yourself, you’ll never know.
Okay, yeah, an avocado is a fruit. But let’s just ease into this whole sneaky vegetable thing. Avocados make a great addition because they have twice as much potassium as bananas! Add them to your smoothie for a creamy, thick consistency and that little hint of green.
Can this veggie make your smoothies bright red? You beet! Beets are vitamin-rich veggies that are perfect to hide in any berry smoothie. Cooked or raw beets work just fine, but raw beets will be more difficult for your blender to process.
Butternut Squash
Contrary to popular belief, squash is not just for casseroles! Frozen butternut squash can be easily hidden in a variety of smoothies and is great for adding thickness to your smoothie. This veggie is best hidden in fruit smoothies with mango or pineapple.
Leafy Greens
Probably the most familiar veggie to add to a smoothie, these are your kale, spinach, arugula, and other leaves. Packing a nutrient punch, leafy greens add a lot of flavor, texture, and color to smoothies. Who doesn’t want to sip on a bright green drink?
Sweet Potato
It’s not everyday you see an orange smoothie, but this starch can make it happen! Sweet potatoes are great for more than just a gorgeous color. If you like your smoothies super thick, they’re the perfect sneaky addition. Like beets, you can use either cooked or raw sweet potatoes in your smoothie, but again, be aware of your blender’s strength.
Tried one of these veggies in your smoothie? Have a different veggie that you love to add? Let us know in the comments below, or share it with us on social media @AuburnCampusRec!
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Michelle M.