What My College Experience Taught Me About Fitness
We can all agree that college teaches us a lot more about ourselves than academics. In all honesty, college did something for me that I never knew I needed: redefined my relationship with fitness. I entered college with a life that revolved quite a bit around the gym, burning calories and being the smallest version of myself. As I progressed through my college experience, I quickly learned that the happiest me wasn’t always the fittest version of me… and that’s o.k. Here are a few takeaways from college that changed my relationship with fitness.
Fitness goes through phases
One thing you can always count on in college is that no two days look alike. Every night is filled with different assignments, every week has different exams, and every semester hands you an entirely new agenda. Dealing with constant change in college helped me learn that my fitness journey would go through changes as well, and that’s o.k. I’ve had some semesters where I’m able to focus heavily on fitness, and others where it takes a backseat. Some weeks are full of homemade, nutritious meals, and others consist of grab-n-go food and snacks. Having to be flexible throughout my college journey has improved my mindset around health and made me appreciate each time I get to step into the gym and focus on myself.
Mental Health is part of fitness
Mental health and physical health go hand in hand, especially during college. Stress can tend to get high during the semester, and I’ve learned that exercise isn’t always the answer. Since certain forms of exercise are natural stressors to our bodies, I’ve found that opting for low-intensity workouts is what my body needs during stressful times. Exercising our minds is also very crucial, and I’ve learned that journaling, listening to podcasts, and walking outside to clear my head can help improve my mindset. Just like physical health, mental health is a journey that requires time and daily effort. The college has emphasized this for me and has helped me recognize the many factors that contribute to an overall healthy lifestyle.
It’s okay to take a step back
Fitness and college simultaneously taught me the importance of rest. Sore muscles used to be my only indicator of needing a rest day from the gym, but this mindset has completely shifted. I now think of rest as a crucial part of my fitness routine, rather than something I must earn. I often used to carry guilt around skipping the gym and thought that one day off from my routine would mess up all my progress. Just like one workout won’t make your fitness journey, one day off won’t break it.
Change is good in a fitness routine
College is full of options, and one of my favorite parts has been exploring new ways to work out. At first, it was difficult for me to enjoy a yoga class without feeling like I needed to complete my normal workout as well. Sometimes, I even second-guessed my choice to work out with a friend when I thought I’d be more productive alone. What I’ve come to learn is that changing up a workout routine can be super beneficial and help keep motivation high. One of my favorite ways I was able to explore new workouts during college was by purchasing a Group Fitness pass. This gave me endless opportunities to keep my workout routine fresh and got me out of my fitness comfort zone.
Overall, my college experience made changes to my relationship with fitness that I never knew I needed. The balanced lifestyle that I’m leaving college with is one I never imagined would be possible 4 years ago. War Eagle to that, and as always,
Be Well, Auburn.