Participate in the life-saving act of donating blood with the Red Cross! Each blood drive day will run as a two shift operation. The first shift will run 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, and then the event will break to sanitize the room and transition staff. Then, the second shift blood drive will run from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
Students planning to donate MUST REGISTER BEFOREHAND; no walk-up appointments allowed this year! Book your appointment time at or by going online to and entering the sponsor code: AUBURN.
Donors will receive a free Chick-fil-A biscuit or Marco's Pizza!
Red Cross will be taking all implemented measures per the CDC and government officials. They will have 8-10 staff per shift each day of the drive and only allow for 50 appointments each shift. Blood drives are an essential service outlined by the CDC and follow CDC-recommended safety protocols, including but not limited to:
Spacing appointments to minimize contact between blood drive participants
Pre-screening drive attendees to assess health markers prior to blood drive entry
Requiring face masks for all drive attendees
Spacing donors 6 feet apart throughout the drive
Enhanced cleaning practices throughout the blood drive
Limited to Red Cross canteen items (no outside food/drink)