Top 10 Reasons Why Students Love Working at The Rec

You think you live at The Rec now? Just wait 'til you work here.
As an employee for Campus Recreation for the past three years, I can definitely say that this award-winning facility feels like my second home. All of my time spent here has helped to develop me as a person and as a professional, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
Ever thought about working at The Rec? Here are my top 10 reasons why it’s the best place to work on campus.
1. They Offer Flexible Work Hours That Fit My Schedule.
School comes first. At The Rec, they get that. They work with you — and your schedule — to determine the best work schedule for you. They want you to work, but they also want you to succeed academically.
2. It’s Close to my Classes. (And Everywhere Else.)
In my fast-paced life, convenience is key. I love working at The Rec because its super close to my campus parking spot. Being able to leave class and go straight to work without having to move my car or deal with Auburn’s ridiculous parking is a major plus! Working on campus allows me to transition from school, to work, to play without the hassle of finding a new parking spot!
3. It’s the Perfect Place to Network.
If you think you need to major in exercise science to work at The Rec, think again. As an anthropology major, I can personally attest to this. Just by going to work, I am exposed to hundreds of people with varying backgrounds and disciplines that I would have never known otherwise. The diversity here is incredible, and I love being able to meet new people and expand my personal horizons.
4. I Get Real-World Experience.
Wherever you work in the The Rec, every work day gives you tons of transferrable experience and skills. I’ve learned so much here — whether it’s customer service, leadership, retail sales, risk management or CPR. Each of the nine departments (I’ve personally worked in Facilities, Marketing and Auburn Outdoors) arms you with a very particular set of skills and trains you to be the one of the best in your field. That means you can brag about it later.
5. There are Tons of Opportunities for Growth and Leadership.
I cannot emphasize this enough. In each department I’ve had the pleasure to work with, there have always been opportunities to progress upwards. If you’re looking to further develop your management and leadership skills, this is definitely the place you want to be. Whether you become a supervisor in Operations or Facilities or a trip leader for Auburn Outdoors, Campus Recreation offers students plenty of opportunities for growth — and raises.
6. They Care.
Behind the scenes at Campus Recreation is the professional staff. These are the people that make everything possible at The Rec. Not only do they put massive amount of time and energy into their work, but they also work hard to encourage and promote the student employees. Whether they’re setting up delicious staff dinners, or simply taking the time to get to know you, these people make it a priority to serve you first.
7. They Feed My Sweet Tooth.
Believe it or not, we love our sweets. Whether you work in Marketing or Facilities, there is no doubt that someone has a sweet treat nearby. I’ll typically bring cookies once a month to share with whomever is working that day, but if not, I can always count on the supervisors for a Jolly Rancher or two (or three). They can definitely add some pick-me-up to a slow shift!
8. They Challenge Me.
Every professional staff member I’ve ever worked with has challenged me. They recognize my potential and encourage me to be the best person that I can be. Every day.
9. My Fellow Employees Became My Family.
Be warned that once you start working here, you will never be able to walk through The Rec without stopping to say “Hi” to at least five people again. I’ve met my closest friends through my work in Campus Recreation, and I’ve made some pretty good memories along the way. This is the place where I found my Auburn Family.
10. Oh, and I NEVER Have to Work During a Home Game. (BOOM!)
You read that right. The Rec is closed during all home games. That means you can tailgate your heart away without worrying about missing the game! But, be sure to be ready to work on Sunday. ;)
Yeah. Living (or working) at The Rec does have its benefits.
RECxpo is Campus Recreation’s biannual job fair that brings all of its departments under one roof to discover their future employees. Come as you are, and find your fit! The next RECxpo Job Fair is October 17, 2022, 5-7 p.m.
Visit our employment page for details on employment opportunities at The Rec.
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Henry G.
Hadden is the epitome of "spunk." Her creative nature and desire for adventure have taken her across the world and placed her in the middle of some interesting situations.
She’s been with Campus Recreation since her sophomore year and has made it her goal to work in as many departments as possible. Along the way, she’s followed her passions from Facilities to Auburn Outdoors, and has finally found her home with the Marketing family.
A senior studying anthropology and minoring in Chinese and business, Hadden thrives with the obscure and strives to talk to everyone she sees. On her days off, you can find her planning out the next Anthropological Society meeting, walking around the woods looking for cool bugs, or working out at The Rec.