Five Reasons to Join a Club Sport

Many Auburn students play intramural sports, but club sports are a little intimidating. Here are five reasons why you should consider joining.
Let’s be honest. No one really reads the introductory paragraph to anything titled “Five Reasons _______,” so I’ll cut the nonsense and give you what you’re looking for. At this point, I’m surprised you’re still reading.
1. Physical conditioning.
Club sports will challenge your athletic ability. Your aerobic capacity, endurance, coordination, quickness and mental aptitude will likely be tested. It’s the perfect combination of fun and physical activity. To be honest, I hate running for running’s sake, so joining the club cycling team was the best thing I could ever do for consistent cardio.
2. The rush of competition.
Before you get intimidated by the word “competition,” know that most of the club sports teams do not demand that every member compete in intercollegiate games. Most teams give everyone an opportunity, and for those individuals that do compete, there is a ton of satisfaction and reward to be found in representing their team at regional and national competitions. If you have a competitive spirit like mine, you might find joining a club sport quite satisfying. Or if you don’t, it’s a great way to establish some great….
3. Friendships.
I’ve encountered some quality humans through club sports. I met some of my best friends while training with the guys and girls on the team. You develop a sense of camaraderie while training and competing together. Late hours spent at practice, car rides across the South en route to competitions, and time spent cheering for each other set solid foundations for great relationships.
4. Resume builder.
Every team has a president, vice president and treasurer. Each club has to market themselves, manage a budget, and organize meetings and competitions. Some reach out to local companies for sponsorships. Some clubs host tournaments or races. All of these tasks require someone to step up and take the initiative to get things done. Unfortunately, college doesn’t last forever, but when it does end, it’ll be nice to say that you applied yourself during your time at school.
5. There aren’t many good reasons not to join a team.
“I don’t have time.” Some clubs only meet once a week for an hour or two. Can’t afford two hours a week? I’m surprised you even have time to read this article!
“I’m not athletic.” It’s not all soccer and lacrosse. Some clubs, like golf or climbing, won’t have you running sprints at every practice, and some don’t have tryouts at all. Some of the individual sports will allow you to train as hard and as long as you choose.
“Competition scares me.” Some teams don’t compete at all. Most allow members to choose. Some only pick the best to represent them at competitions.
“It’s too expensive.” Not all clubs charge $200 to join. Some charge more, but the majority of clubs charge less. Some clubs want only $30 for the season, so don’t let money scare you away.
With over 20 different clubs to choose from at Auburn, you’re bound to find one that fits your groove. You can find them all listed here.
Closing thought:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain
Be happy. Be fit. Be a club sport member.
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Henry G.
Henry is majoring in mechanical engineering, and despite his technically geared mind, he has found a home working at Auburn Campus Recreation.
Born in California and raised in Auburn, Henry's family now lives in Louisville, Kentucky. He has seven siblings and loves traveling all over the U.S. with them. His dream job is to own a coffee shop on the West Coast.
Henry spends his time riding his bike with the Auburn Flyers Cycling Club, exploring his passion for photography, teaching his puppy new tricks, and studying in coffee shops around town.