Fitstagrams You Need to be Following

We all know that social media can be toxic. This is especially true when it leads to comparing yourself to “perfect” girls or guys on Instagram.
If you feel this way, you might be following the wrong accounts. No one is perfect, not even people with thousands of followers. However, there are some fantastic fitness-based accounts that offer healthy, joyful perspectives. If you are like me and strive to fill your feed with posts that inspire and encourage you to live out a healthy lifestyle, follow these #fitstagrams. You won't regret it.
Sarah is my latest Instagram obsession. I first found her on YouTube where she vlogs about holistic living and high-intensity workouts. Her bubbly personality carries over into her bright and encouraging posts. While she may appear to eat clean and exercise every day, she readily admits when she messes up and assures her followers that that is more than okay. “Listen to your body” is her motto and I am here for it.
If you’re a runner, you’ll love Emily! I may never run marathons, but the way she describes the feeling after running a couple of miles makes me want to try. Emily is a Whole30 alumni and now lives her #LifeAfterWhole30, while still incorporating the plan’s ideals into her everyday life.
Calling all weight room junkies! This page is filled with different workout videos and meal ideas. The account also features athletes and their stories, which are very inspiring.
I have never taken a Soulcycle class, but I am a frequent flyer at The Rec’s spin classes. Soulcycle shares inspiration through testimonials, fun contests and community involvement on their page. If you want to feel empowered and energized for a workout, this page is for you.
Why should you follow a yoga-pants store on social media? Because it’s Lululemon. Their page not only has amazing shots of their clothing, but also incorporates inspirational health and wellness advice. Their account adds aesthetic posts to your feed so you feel a little more inspired every day.
My home. Their pictures are #FoodGoals and I will probably never create anything half as beautiful as what they post, but they inspire me to try! Their Insta Stories give you more of an inside look into their brand.
Rachael is a registered dietitian with a passion for sharing healthy recipes. If you love making healthy meals, or pretending you do, Rachael is your girl. She is constantly trying out new recipes made with healthy ingredients. Plus, she documents every step of the process through her Insta Story.
Because, duh.
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Julia B.
Marketing Director
Hailing from Atlanta, Georgia, Megan is majoring in marketing and minoring in communication. The first Southern belle in a family entirely from the Northeast, Megan enjoys showing Southern traditions, like Auburn football, to her family.
She loves everything pop culture-related, attending concerts, and is slightly obsessed with pugs. In her free time, you'll often find her obsessing over a pug on Instagram. Her favorite workout at The Rec is spin class in the morning before the sun comes up.