Things Everyone Who Has Been to a Group Fit Class Understands

Group Fit classes are an amazing resource here at The Rec. They hold you accountable and give you a great workout that you otherwise may not get.
While they are awesome, every workout has its struggles. If you’ve been to a group fitness class, you might know some of mine.
Deciding if you want the front or the back of the room.
I’m more of a back-of-the-room person myself, but I have tons of respect for those who are up front.
Getting off beat with the instructor.
This is always hard for me to recover from without fully stopping to correct my error. That puts me a rep behind, so I’m trying to remedy that, which just puts me back offbeat. It’s a vicious cycle.
Wondering how your instructor is not dying like you are.
Honestly, the instructors always amaze me. How do you teach this? How are you talking? Why aren’t you sweating like me??
Wondering how your instructor is not at least winded.
Seriously? What are their secrets?? I must know.
Stressing about making sure you’re checked in.
If you come in after attendance, or forget to tell the instructor you are there, it is always mind consuming for at least some of the class. I, for sure, do not want that strike against my name!
Getting weights that are too heavy (or too light!).
The ultimate struggle. How hard do you want this class to be? Can you do all the reps with the heavier weight? It’s such a commitment.
When your instructor picks a long song for the hardest exercise.
With each chorus you think, “Oh yeah, this is almost over, awesome.” Except it’s not over, it’s a six-minute-long song for one plank. Help.
Getting too into the music.
I feel like we’ve all been here. Get a little too into the music, zone out a little, and the instructor has modified the workout without you noticing, so you have to scramble to fix yourself.
Wanting to lay down on the mat.
Sometimes, I lay down to do abs and think, “I could just nap and not do abs.” No one would know. Except people would notice, and it would be a waste of a workout.
Group fit can bring a great workout and a desire to nap (#TheStruggleIsReal). What’s your biggest group fit struggle? Let us know in the comments!
Be well, Auburn
Photography: Grace H.

Copy Editor
Breslin was raised in Fairhope, Alabama and has been an Auburn fan her whole life. She believes in never taking herself too seriously, laughing lots, and pushing to be the best she can. Majoring in marketing with sports coaching and communication minors, Breslin loves all things sports and wants to pursue a career in sports marketing. When she’s not at work, you can usually find Breslin running with her dog (who’s the cutest).
Breslin is passionate about running, good food, spending time with those she loves, and, of course, her dog. Always eager for a new adventure, she looks forward to living a life of spontaneity and a touch of chaos.