Five-Ingredient Pasta

One day, I combined pasta with whatever random items were left in my fridge.
It quickly became a personal staple, but I found out I didn’t invent it myself; it’s actually pretty popular! It’s even gone viral on TikTok (thanks, Gigi Hadid). Want to know the recipe? I’m here to tell you about my version of this viral dish. Grab your notebooks and chef hats because it’s time to cook!
1 box of pasta
1 cup of heavy cream
1/4 cup of tomato paste
Red chili flakes
Parmesan to taste
Boil your pasta in a pot of salt water.
In a saucepan on medium heat, add heavy cream. (Save about 1/3 cup of salted pasta water to add to your sauce at the end.)
In a saucepan on medium heat, add tomato paste and stir for about 1-2 minutes.
Add chili flakes to the mixture, and season to taste.
Add heavy cream and stir until combined.
Add chili flakes and parmesan to the mixture, and season to taste. I like mine spicier, so I always end up adding more chili flakes.
When pasta is about 2 minutes from being done, strain it and mix it with the sauce and the water you saved!
Finish cooking in the sauce.
Plate and enjoy!
Making dinner doesn’t have to be hard, and is sure to be a crowd-pleaser! Have any other easy, delicious recipes? Shares with us on social media @auburncampusrec!
Happy cooking and…
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Ashley R.

Born in West Palm Beach, Florida, and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, Ashley is a freshman in Communications. Her indecisiveness led her to choose Auburn very last minute, and now she is in love with the school and lives for game days and Toomer’s vanilla lemonade.
She has a wide range of interests, mostly consisting of video, media, makeup, fashion, and food. In her free time, you can find her at Coffee Cat, Chick Fil A, in bed, or watching Food Network (preferably Guys Grocery’s Games or Pioneer Woman.) She’s currently savoring every moment she has at Auburn, even all the times she is left by the transit or gets lost in the Haley Center.