Staying Active During the Holidays

As the semester comes to an end and you head home for break, your normal workout regime is thrown out of rhythm.
Despite the celebrations, it is important to stay active during the holiday season. Although winter isn’t ideal for “hot girl walks”, there are many ways to get in your daily exercise (both indoors and outdoors) to stay active, happy, and healthy during your holiday break.
Dress for the weather
Depending on where you live, you may be facing colder temperatures this holiday season. Although I’m not a big fan of winter weather, I’ve learned to embrace it. Bundle up with a scarf, hat, and gloves, brave the inclement weather, and enjoy a walk or run outdoors!
Participate in winter sports
Although Alabama does not get snow very often, if you live somewhere with cold temperatures, enjoy your white Christmas through winter sports. My family frequently vacations in places that receive snow, and skiing is a great form of exercise. If you aren’t feeling up to skiing or snowboarding, snowshoe hikes are a good option for a lower-impact workout.
Make the most of indoor workouts
If you aren’t interested in bundling up and facing the chilly conditions, you can stay active from the comfort of your home or visit your local gym. There are great videos on YouTube that walk you through different workouts, such as Pilates, HIIT, yoga, etc., many of which do not require equipment. Home workouts are great for days when you are running short on time, but want to get in a quick sweat session.
All in all, it is important to take care of your body and stay active during the Christmas season. Be intentional, but make sure to enjoy your time with friends and family.
Happy “Fitmas,” and…
Be Well, Auburn

Born and raised in the small town of Clanton, Alabama, Lydia grew up eating peaches and cheering on the Auburn Tigers. Lydia’s parents are Auburn alumni, and they claim they began “brainwashing” her and her twin into attending Auburn University at an early age.
Lydia is a junior studying Business Marketing. Upon graduation, she hopes to live somewhere in the beloved south and work in the jewelry industry.
When she is not working or attending class, you can find her taking long power walks around Auburn, attending a workout class, or watching Wheel of Fortune.
Her favorite things include Starbucks, Hokas, her family, and her Apple Watch. Lydia’s goal for her remaining years at Auburn University is to continue growing as a person so she can become the best version of herself and serve those around her to the best of her ability.