Reverse Senioritis: My Thoughts on Leaving College

We’ve all heard of senioritis: the feeling of not wanting to put any more effort into school or extracurriculars because you have already been accepted into college.
But what about college seniors? What if we aren’t ready to leave? I present to you…reverse senioritis.
What does it look like?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m just as ready to be done with school as anyone else. But, when it comes to things like late-night ice cream runs, movie nights with my roomies, and the incredible college experience that Auburn University provides— I’m not ready to part with them yet! And, I surely don’t want to think about the adulting I will face when I graduate. I’m sure there are many soon-to-be graduates that are truly ready to start adult life, but if that isn’t you, welcome to the club!
Is it normal to feel this way?
Of course, it’s normal to have these feelings! With graduating from college comes major change— possibly moving to a new city, meeting new people, and getting used to a new schedule that revolves around work or graduate school. While many people see change as exciting, that does not make it any easier. In my opinion, life after college is equal parts scary and exciting. However, the part of me that can’t let go of the fun of college is currently taking over.
How do we combat it?
While I am still trying to figure this out for myself, my best answer to this question right now is give it time. Eventually, as we approach graduation, I believe that adult life will seem less scary, and we might even start to feel excited about what is to come after college. Right now, it is so easy to get wrapped up in the stress of figuring out what comes next, that it can be hard to appreciate how far you’ve come. However, I know that wherever I end up after my time at Auburn, I will experience new opportunities and adventures.
If you’re currently suffering from reverse senioritis like me, here is your sign that you’re not alone! I hope this has encouraged you to get excited to start the next chapter of your life. Here’s to graduating and becoming adults— or at least trying!
Be Well, Auburn.

Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Avery is a senior majoring in Marketing. Avery came all the way to Auburn in the hopes of meeting new people and finding a community.
After graduation, she hopes to pursue a career in marketing and would love to live in a fun, new city like Nashville or Atlanta. Avery loves to spend her free time hanging out with her 5 roommates and best friends, getting coffee from Starbucks, watching makeup artists on TikTok, and going on walks around Auburn. She has a passion for traveling and the next destination on her bucket list is Greece.
Currently, Avery is making the most of her last year at Auburn and is expectant for what life holds after college.