Bake Your Own Bread

It's fun— fresh — and oh so good.
Ever been obsessed with something? Me too! While I’ve always been mildly obsessed with bread (Who doesn’t love bread?), I recently became overcome with the inexplicable desire to bake my own. Here are some reasons why I think you should try it too. Who knows, maybe it will change your life!
It Can Be Healthier
Some commercial bread uses high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar, and it uses way more sodium than the bread needs. Making your own bread ensures no trans fats, no preservatives, no artificial ingredients, actual sugar, and less sodium.
It Tastes Better
I think that my homemade bread tastes better, and it’s totally possible that the reason for that is because this bread is my very own creation. But, if you think your bread tastes better than commercial bread, who really cares exactly why. Endulge!
Sets Aside Some Study Time
Baking bread can be pretty time consuming. Luckily, you have a lull period while you wait for the dough to rise. I like to use this time to catch up on reading or a class assignment.
Stress Relief
Ever considered taking up boxing or MMA fighting to release anger? Kneading dough is a close second in a list of anger management and stress relief techniques. It is quite therapeutic.
Ample Options
From the standard recipe, you can take your bread in whatever direction you please! Add cheese, dried fruit, nuts, herbs and more! My personal favorite? I love to add cinnamon to the mix. Who doesn’t love cinnamon rolls?
Have Your Bread, and Eat It Too!
Once you’re done, eat up! What better reward could there be?
To start making your own wonderful, warm, fluffy and delicious homemade bread, check out this bread recipe to use as your starting point. It’s worth it, I promise!
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Jack P.

Michelle is a super duper senior — year six, baby — majoring in graphic design, with a love of all things creative. You’ll most likely find her drawing, singing, writing, reading, planning a trip to Disney, or watching Netflix (like, a lot of Netflix).
Originally entering Auburn as a nutrition major, Michelle still is passionate about health and wellness. She enjoys writing articles for Be Well about healthy recipes, crafts, Disney, COFFEE, some maybe not-so-healthy recipes, and more.