Athletic Conditioning

With club sports in full swing and intramural registration upon us, the need for strength, power, speed, and agility is in demand.
If you’re a club sport member, intramural player, or just someone who wants to improve overall endurance, Athletic Conditioning is for you.
This group fitness class consists of a variety of high intensity exercises that progress in difficulty and promote healthy competition. For more information, visit Group Fitness on or come by The Rec during operating hours.
For a short snippet of Athletic Conditioning, check out this video:
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Julia B.
A true Auburn legacy, Brooklyn stepped onto Pat Dye Field at the age of five and knew immediately she wanted to follow in her family’s footsteps.
She’s not just an avid dog lover, but a dog parent—she works so her mutt can have a better life. Her greatest talent is binge watching Netflix (she’s that person who goes through nine years of television in two weeks). Her "obsession collection" consists of chocolate-covered strawberries, candles, Lush cosmetics, and herbal teas.
She strives to live by the last few lines of the Auburn Creed believing in her country and doing her best to serve her home—the land of freedom given by those who defend it.