Six Healthy Habits for the Best Spring Break Ever

Do not let one week of fun stop you from sticking with your New Year’s resolutions and reaching your health goals.
Since January 1, you have been working hard, sticking to that New Year’s resolution of working out and staying healthy. But now it is March and spring break is right around the corner – the moment of truth! Don't worry, there is no need to give up on all your dedication and hard work just for one week. Here’s how you can easily stick with your new habits during the break!
Stay Hydrated
Have you cut soda? It’s easy to relapse over spring break. So don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated. Your body needs water, especially during spring break when the sun is out, and the heat is beating down. Water helps you stay energized and reduces your risk of heatstroke. If you are not a fan of water's flavor, add a little bit of lemon juice or another kind of fruit, such as berries! Adding fruits is a great way to spice up water!
Plus, water is usually cheaper (if not free) at most restaurants, so you are also saving yourself a few bucks!
Keep that Plate Colorful
Eating healthy can be a challenge, but it is definitely one worth taking! You might be eating out more often during spring break, so aim for healthier choices. Keeping that plate colorful will help you stay in check with all the nutrients you are getting. Plus, eating those yummy (and healthy) foods will give you more energy to keep going throughout the break!
Stay Active
We know it’s tough to get up and jog or exercise (especially when you are on vacation), but do not give up! If you’re at the beach for the week, wake up to a beautiful sunrise and run along the beach in the early morning. Or grab your friends, and play a game of sand volleyball! Basically, find something that will motivate you to stay active, even while on vacation.
Spread that SPF
Springtime equals sunshine! The sun can be both your best friend and your worst enemy. Even though it boosts your Vitamin D intake, it can still damage your skin. So protect it by putting on that sunscreen! Make it part of your morning routine before you head out, so it won’t feel like a chore. Plus, we’re sure you would rather have a nice tan than red, blistered skin anyway.
Maintain Moderation
You have probably heard this before, but it cannot be truer! Everything in moderation is the best approach, whether you’re eating or drinking. Opt for more water, stay hydrated, and keep excess sugar to a minimum, and you’ll stay strong during your vacation.
Rest Up
Sleep is so good for you. Do not forget about it! It can easily be overlooked when you are having a blast with your friends, but if you do not have the energy to keep up with all the festivities, then it is probably time to get some rest. Getting a good night’s sleep each night will keep you going during the day!
Apply these healthy habits like your sunscreen on spring break, and you’ll have the best spring break ever.
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Terri Y.
Binh is such an ENFP. She loves meeting and swapping stories with new people. She has a passion for fashion and enjoys exploring new places. As a blogger, Binh enjoys sharing her experiences with others.
A true go-getter, Binh is determined, motivated and a self-confessed perfectionist.
She considers herself an authority on pineapple, potatoes, and kale — and is a lover of all things pink, Jesus, and queso.