How I'm Celebrating Mother's Day a Little Differently This Year

You’ve probably seen a few different “Open Letter to My Mom on Mother’s Day” articles floating around on your Facebook timeline, and that’s great — appreciating the women in our lives is important.
I’m lucky enough to have a mom, grandmother and a number of other women in my life that have formed me into who I am today.
I know what I’m worth, I don’t play small, I speak my mind, and I live a life I’m proud of, thanks to them. I hope that you have a mom or other mentors that have played a similar role in developing you and your character thus far.
Some of us are lucky enough to be supported by women that are so incredible we would shout from the rooftops about them… but today, I challenge you to something a little different. Before you tag your mom in something on Facebook or post a picture with her on Instagram, reach out and let her know just how important she is to you.
In a world where so much of our interaction takes place through texting and social media, it can be scary to be vulnerable in person. But it’s more valuable than you may know. Whether it’s in person, on FaceTime, or just over the phone, reach out to your mom and some of the women that have impacted you. Thank them for what they’ve done for you and tell them about the obstacles they’ve helped you overcome.
To my mom and various role models who have taught me about the glass ceiling and then showed me how to swing a hammer, I am so grateful. To women everywhere — we recognize your hard work, today and every day.
Happy Mother’s Day, and,
Be well, Auburn.

Editor in Chief Emeritus (2018/2019)
Born and raised in the D.C. Metro Area, Kyleigh followed her gut 750 miles away from home to Auburn, Alabama. Now a senior in public relations, she can confidently say it’s the best decision she has ever made. Passionate about health and wellness and interested in marketing, working at The Rec is the perfect fit for her.
Outside of The Rec, Kyleigh is working toward big goals, like visiting all 50 states before she’s 25 (12 to go, if you’re curious) and getting her registered yoga teacher certification. She has an insatiable appetite for adventure and loves to travel, learning about new cultures and herself in the process. When she’s not daydreaming about future trips, she can be found in yoga class, visiting the cows off Lem Morrison, or making sure her friends are fed. Kyleigh doesn’t exactly know what she wants to do when she graduates, but she knows it won’t be boring.