
Rest Day, Best Day: Maximize Effort and Reach Your Fitness Goals

Regardless of what your workout routine is, it is possible you could benefit from taking a rest day. Here are some of the reasons why you could benefit from incorporating a rest day into your workout routine.

Rest Day, Best Day: Maximize Effort and Reach Your Fitness Goals

Finding My Zen: What I Learned From My First Ever Yoga Class

Namaste! This past week I went to my first ever Yoga class. Looking back to that one-hour class, I can say I am very glad that I signed up. I am also happy to be able to share the things that I learned from STRETCHING out of my comfort zone (See what I did there?).

Finding My Zen: What I Learned From My First Ever Yoga Class

Embracing the Mess: Collaging & OCD

When I was a freshman in high school, I was diagnosed with a mild form of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Most people have heard of OCD, but not many know what it really entails. OCD is not about having a clean room or appreciating an organized drawer, but a more serious condition in which one feels bound to certain obsessions and compulsions.

Embracing the Mess: Collaging & OCD