Everything You Should Know Before You Run a Half-Marathon: An Interview with Laure Butcher

Lace up your tennis shoes and get ready to celebrate Global Running Day on June 5!
In honor of this day, I sat down with personal training director and running enthusiast Laure Butcher to get some tips about her expertise: half-marathons.
Be Well: What are some tips you have for first-time racers?
Laure Butcher: Definitely follow a training program — there are many good ones online to help you prepare. Make sure you also follow a plan for proper nutrition and rest. For your first race, don’t aim for a certain time, just have the goal of finishing.
(Looking for some good running routes around Auburn? Check them out here.)
BW: What are your go-to running shoes?
LB: Brooks Ghost for sure!
Check them out here!
BW: What are your food choices leading up to the day of the race? What about race-day food choices?
LB: Leading up to race day, it is important to carb up. Do your research to determine how many carbs you need to consume each week leading up to your race. My personal favorite snack to eat a few hours before a race is peanut butter and honey on whole wheat bread.
BW: Do you have any pre-race rituals?
LB: I like to wake up early enough so that I have time to prepare and don’t feel rushed. I foam roll and do a dynamic warm-up before it’s time to get to the start line.
BW: How do you stay mentally positive during a race?
LB: It is very helpful to have a support team cheering you on or even running the race with you. Also, as you are training, practice positive self-talk. Split the race up into sections in your head and conquer it section by section rather than thinking about how many miles you have left.
If you feel empowered to run a half marathon after reading this article, grab your squad and sign up for one these upcoming races:
Oct. 27: Life Without Limits Half Marathon (Florence, AL)
Nov. 18: Magic City Half Marathon (Birmingham, AL)
Dec. 15: Helen Holiday Trail Half Marathon (Helen, GA)
And if you aren’t quite ready to conquer a half marathon yet, get stated with one of these 5K races:
July 17: I Love America 5k (Huntsville, AL)
Oct. 27: Pink Pumpkin Run (Guntersville, AL)
Dec. 8: Rocket City Marathon (Huntsville, AL)
Photography: Jack P.
Carly is a junior from Marietta, Georgia majoring in marketing and minoring in communication. Although she loves the perks of living near a big city, she has found a home away from home on the Plains. She is passionate about helping others and hopes to one day work for a non-profit.
You can usually find her exploring new hiking places, binge watching the latest Netflix show or obsessing over pictures of her dog.
Carly loves how inclusive Auburn is and enjoys being able to make friends from all over.