How to Avoid People at The Rec

When I go to the gym, the last thing I want is to be bombarded with people.

I'd rather leave and skip my workout for the day than wait for every piece of equipment while simultaneously dodging the herds of other students circling the floor. When the gym is crowded, my workout takes longer, and sometimes it even makes me feel self-conscious.

The Rec is huge, but with roughly 27,000 students that have access, it can be overwhelming at times. Skipping a workout because you don't want to deal with people is a sad excuse, so here are a few of the best times to hit the gym and avoid the crowds.

There is a significant drop in attendance during the weekends, so if your off day is usually Sunday, try switching it to Tuesday, which is our busiest day of the week.

If you're an early bird, the best time to come to The Rec is from 5 to 10 a.m. Yes, that 5 a.m. alarm is rough, but with no wait for any machine it's worth it. 

For night owls the best times are from 8 p.m. to midnight. The Rec is busiest from 3 to 7 p.m. during the week, but after that things slow down. So, if you're usually up late but religiously work out at 5 p.m., try switching up your routine. Finish your homework or cook dinner first, and move your workout until later in the evening. 


Can't change your schedule to avoid The Rec rush-hour? Don't ditch your workout altogether! Find one of our more secluded workout spaces around the track or the cardio deck on the upper level.

I understand the struggle of not wanting to work out — especially when every Auburn student and their mother are at the gym. But when you have access to a facility like this, you don't want to waste it. Have your own tricks to beating crowds at the gym? Let us know in the comments below, or on social @AuburnCampusRec.

As always, 

Be well, Auburn.

Photography by: Jack P.

Kiersten was born in Toms River, New Jersey and moved to North Alabama when she was seven years old. She is majoring in marketing and minoring in graphic design.

Kiersten is passionate about all different forms of art including painting, drawing, photography and even music. She has been playing the piano for seven years and loves listening to Fleetwood Mac, The Black Keys, and The Red Hot Chili Peppers.

You can find her exploring new hiking trails, planning road trips with friends, and complaining about how much she hates math. She loves working for Campus Recreation and hopes to continue her journey with marketing by going to Michigan University for graduate school.