Be Green, It's 2019

Want to be more environmentally-conscious, but feel like you don’t have the time? You’re not alone, and it doesn’t have to be a struggle.
Here are some easy tips and tricks you can fit into a busy schedule to be more sustainable.
Reusable K-Cups
If you drink coffee like it’s going out of style, then you should seriously consider buying one of these. They’re inexpensive and can be found at most grocery stores, or online. Ground coffee is much cheaper than K-Cups anyway.
Stainless Steel Collapsible Straws
These can be ordered on Amazon at a low price, and some of them even come in small containers. This is also a unique gift idea, and the containers can come in cute, bright colors. Be a trendsetter! I use mine often around Auburn, and most people just want to know where I got one.
Cloth Grocery Bags
Are you plagued by endless plastic Walmart bags accumulating under your sink? An easy fix is to buy cloth grocery bags. This not only makes it easier to carry all of your bags (for those of us who don’t believe in making multiple trips), but will also contribute to limiting ocean pollution.
Dish Rags
Ever think about how many paper towels you use in a week? Even if you do not replace all paper towel usage with dish rags, having them as an occasional alternative will at least help you reduce some of the waste. You can find these pretty much anywhere, but also, Amazon.
Glass Food Containers
The benefits of glass containers are endless. They’re reusable, safe to store food in, and they can help you save money. I actually felt motivated to meal prep after I bought some!
Reusable Utensils
Real silverware is not only better for the environment, but it’s also a cleaner option. Let’s face it… you do not know where the unpackaged, plastic fast-food utensils have been.
Reusable Water Bottles
Auburn University is one of the best places to own a reusable water bottle because of all of the clean water fountains and Weagle Water stations available. It’ll save you money in the long run, and help you stay hydrated!
Reusable Coffee Thermos
Trust me, you’ll want a thermos for all of the coffee you’ll be drinking after you buy your reusable K-Cup. If you’re running late and need to grab coffee on campus, I know for a fact that Caribou Coffee in the Haley Center lets you use your own thermos for their house coffee. Also, Starbucks sells durable, reusable plastic coffee cups for only a few dollars that they will make your drink in anytime. Plus, by using it, you get $0.10 off of your drink!
If this is overwhelming, do not pressure yourself to try them all simultaneously. Personally, I try to practice all of these, but I don’t follow them 100% of the time. I might use my thermos four days a week and then get a cappuccino one day. Hold yourself to reasonable standards and share your experiences with the people around you! One by one, little by little, we can make 2019 a more sustainable year.
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Grace H.

Grace is from New Orleans, but with her military upbringing she has moved around a bit. She now resides in Auburn to study graphic design and marketing. Working at The Rec allows Grace to be involved in many of her interests, including design, photography, videography, writing, and of course – fitness. Grace is an avid runner; she is typically either training for a half marathon, Spartan race, or both. Outside of marketing, Grace loves to cook, watch sci-fi, do yoga (at The Rec of course), spend time with friends, and design some more. Grace greatly values her relationships with the people around her and believes that intentional design and communication has the power to bring people together and make the world a better place.