Getting Involved Outside of Greek Life

You want to get involved and make new friends, but you don’t have the interest or resources to be in a Greek organization.

We get it. And while Greek life is a significant aspect of Auburn’s social scene, it is not the only way to be involved. Auburn has so many organizations. There is truly something for everyone. The important thing is to branch out and explore! Here are some ways to get involved and find your place.


Attend Welcome Week

Welcome Week occurs the first couple weeks of classes each semester and consists of organizations holding events for students. Most of the events provide food or activities and are a great chance to socialize and meet new people! And yes, free t-shirts and food are often involved. You can get the full schedule of the events by downloading the Auburn Guides App.  


Check out AU Involve

There are hundreds of organizations listed in AU Involve. You can even filter your search to find a specific type of organization. Some of the different types include Academic and Professional, Cultural, Club Sports, Religious and Spiritual, Service, Student Affairs, and many more. Give AU Involve a look to see the full list.

Get involved early on

It can be easy to think “I’ll worry about getting involved later on when I’m more settled.” Getting involved with organizations early on helps you establish a support group and feel more grounded. There are even some organizations that are geared specifically toward first-year students. For example, the leadership program Emerge encourages students to get involved their first year. Also, most campus ministries have a freshman bible study or activities specifically for freshmen or transfer students.


Don’t ignore everyone on the concourse…

…as tempting as it may be. Of course, no one likes having to be social when they are just trying to walk to class with their headphones in, and you do not need to have a conversation with everyone you pass. However, being somewhat receptive to what people are saying and handing out can help you find things you are interested in. 

Ask about organizations within your college

Getting plugged into academic organizations can help you develop relationships with your fellow classmates. Most of the colleges have student organizations such as ambassador positions and nation-wide organizations for areas of study, such as the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, College of Business School Council, etc. These can all easily be found on AU Involve or by asking your professors and fellow peers! 

There are so many organizations at Auburn. Chances are, at least a couple of them will cater to your interests, whether it be hip-hop dance performance, creative writing, veganism, cricket, you name it.

Best of luck in your searches, and, as always,

Be well, Auburn.

Photography: Grace H.

Grace is from New Orleans, but with her military upbringing she has moved around a bit. She now resides in Auburn to study graphic design and marketing. Working at The Rec allows Grace to be involved in many of her interests, including design, photography, videography, writing, and of course – fitness. Grace is an avid runner; she is typically either training for a half marathon, Spartan race, or both. Outside of marketing, Grace loves to cook, watch sci-fi, do yoga (at The Rec of course), spend time with friends, and design some more. Grace greatly values her relationships with the people around her and believes that intentional design and communication has the power to bring people together and make the world a better place.