Avoiding the “Sunday Scaries”

Even if you didn’t know the official name for it, you’ve probably experienced the “Sunday Scaries.”
Unfamiliar with the term? Allow me to enlighten you. The “Sunday Scaries” is the inevitable anxiety that creeps in on your last little bit of weekend, reminding you of all the things you’ve put off and have to do before tomorrow.
While this particular wave of stress can feel like the end of the world, I promise it’s not. Just take a breather and try out some of these tips for a better end to your weekend.
Don’t put it off until Sunday
I’m aware that this is a really annoying piece of advice to receive, but it’s the best way to nip those “Sunday Scaries” in the bud. The more you can get done on Thursday or Friday, the more time you have to relax on Sunday.
If you’re more of a procrastinator like me, this probably isn’t your style. Just try to think ahead a little. Even if you don't do everything early, start thinking about what you need to get done before Monday. This way, you’ll at least be mentally prepared for your productive Sunday.
Plan a fun Monday
When I have something to look forward to, the days go by faster. Even if your Sunday is spent on chores and homework, plan something fun for Monday. Grab lunch with a friend, treat yourself to your favorite overpriced latte, or sign up for a fun workout class.
Take your mind off of it
Just relax. You have an entire day to get this stuff done, so try not to burn yourself out in the morning and go into a caffeine-induced productivity spiral. Plan to have a couple of breaks in your day so that you’re not brain-dead by noon. Watch a funny YouTube video or call a friend between tasks. It will make the time go by faster, and it will keep you from going insane.
Create a game plan
I cannot stress this enough: write it all down. You are going to be running around like a chicken with your head cut off if you do not have a written list of what needs to happen on Sunday. The list will keep you on track, but more importantly, keep you sane.
Even if a task has no finished product, like studying for an exam, schedule a set amount of time for that task during your day. That way, you can hold yourself accountable and still feel like you are checking off one of the boxes.
If your to-do list is stressing you out, get your priorities in check. Maybe you don’t have time to clean your apartment today, and that’s okay. Figure out what tasks are most important on your to-do list (usually school assignments) and do those first.
If those bigger tasks are giving you major stress, break them up into smaller ones and get those done first. You’ll feel like you’ve accomplished something, and you will be ready to confront the rest of your to-do list head on.
Sundays don’t have to be the new Mondays. A little planning and organization can make your Sunday afternoon a lot more chill and a lot less scary.
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Michelle M.

Editor in Chief
Mallory is a marketing major from Birmingham, Alabama who has loved every second of her time at Auburn. When she’s not napping, you can most likely find her at night cycle or any establishment that serves coffee.
Mallory’s likes include using the cowboy emoji, talking way too much about her study abroad experience, and listening to Mumford & Sons. Her dislikes? Staying up past 10 p.m. and country music.