Perfect Podcasts to Listen to Based on Your College

Tired of listening to the same pre-class playlist every day?
Don’t worry, we get it. (And we won’t tell Ariana Grande). We’ve picked out the perfect podcast for you to listen to based on your college. Check out the list below and get ready to grab your headphones (or AirPods) to listen!
College of Architecture, Design & Construction — 99% Invisible
Ever wondered how those inflatable men came to be regular fixtures at car lots? 99% Invisible is all about the unnoticed architecture and design that shapes our world. This podcast will be sure to keep you awake during those long hours at studio and teach you more about the architecture around us.
Available on: Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Radio Public, and Podcast RSS
Raymond J. Harbert College of Business — How I Built This
For all aspiring businessmen and women out there, this one’s for you. How I Built This dives into the stories of some of the world’s best-known companies. This podcast will give you all the motivation you need to continue to work hard for your money.
Available on: iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Spotify, and Podcast RSS
College of Education — Truth for Teachers
Future teachers, listen up! Truth for Teachers releases an episode every week with the goal of speaking “life, encouragement, and truth into the minds and hearts of educators.” It’s the perfect pick-me-up on your way to the classroom.
Available on: iTunes and Google Play
Samuel Ginn College of Engineering — Engineering People
If you’ve ever wanted to learn about the world’s leading engineering managers, this podcast is for you. Ryan Carson, founder and CEO of Treehouse, interviews successful managers so you can learn from their experiences and ideas.
Available on: iTunes and Podcast RSS
School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences — Eyes on Conservation
Nature-lovers, unite! This podcast talks about everything and anything nature. Eyes on Conservation is a weekly interview that features conversations with top experts in the fields of conservation, wildlife, and environmental justice.
Available on: iTunes and Google Play
College of Human Sciences — Hidden Brain
Humans are interesting. Everything we do and the reasoning behind our actions continues to be studied today. Hidden Brain uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices, and direct our relationships. For all those in Human Sciences, this podcast will expand upon classroom content.
Available on: NPR One, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Spotify, and Podcast RSS
College of Liberal Arts — After the Ending
Consider yourself a movie buff? You’ll definitely want to check out this podcast. After the Ending looks into what happened to characters in your favorite movies after they end. Not to mention, every episode includes a mini-feature on top films of a particular year, top performances by actors and actresses, and more.
Available on: iTunes and Google Play
College of Sciences and Mathematics — Star Talk
If you’re into science and space, this one’s for you. In Star Talk, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson welcomes various celebrity co-hosts from the world of science and entertainment to discuss all things science, space, and popular culture.
Available on: iTunes and SoundCloud
College of Agriculture — The Farm Report
Looking to learn about the people, processes, and policies behind food production today? Look no further. The Farm Report engages in conversations with farmers and farmworkers on the day-to-day challenges of running a viable business. After listening, you’ll have a whole new appreciation for the farming industry.
Available on: iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and Google Play
School of Nursing — FreshRN
You got into nursing school. You’re taking the classes. What’s next? FreshRN is sure to be your new favorite as it gives helpful, real-world advice about the challenges of recently graduated, first-year registered nurse life. So next time you’re grinding for an exam, you have the perfect podcast!
Available on: Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio, and Google Play
College of Veterinary Medicine — Podcast a Vet
If you love animals and have several of your own furry friends, check out this podcast. Podcast a Vet is for future vets and is centered on the profession. It’s all about building a positive and supportive veterinary community, and does so in a personal and passionate conversation, with some laughs mixed in.
Available on: iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and Google Play
Harrison School of Pharmacy — Pharmacy Leaders
Pharmacy Leaders is the ideal podcast to listen to if you’re seeking advice on building your professional brand, networking, and making a purposeful second income. It’ll give you all the motivation you need to continue working hard in pharmacy school and will inspire you with stories from leaders around the country.
Available on: iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play
We hope you’ll add these to your list! If you find these podcasts interesting, or want to share one we left out, let us know in the comments below or on social media, @AuburnCampusRec.
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Deon N.

Samantha is from Madison, Alabama and feels extremely blessed to be an Auburn Tiger. She is majoring in Communications and minoring in Marketing and Spanish. Samantha is a firm believer in treating everyone with kindness and always tries to find the bright side in situations.
She enjoys random dance breaks and listening to the Mamma Mia soundtrack, J. Balvin, Ariana Grande, and any new bops.
She's very grateful to be able to write and post to social media for fun and her job. In the future, Samantha hopes to become a marketing manager or anchor the Today Show in New York City. If she's not heading to the movies to watch the newest Rom-com, you can catch her running around campus to her next class or meeting with a smile and a bottle of water.