Finding Your Holiday Happiness

When you think of holidays, what comes to mind? Breaks from school, presents, and a stress-free day?
For some, this could be the truth. For others, they think of stressful conversations with distant relatives, fights with parents, and an escape from bliss. Holiday anxiety is a real thing. I’m here to explain why this stress is so prevalent and how to cope with it.
What is holiday anxiety?
Holiday anxiety is like a ticking time bomb that’s going to explode at any moment, and you’re aware of it. What’s that moment? It can be different for many people. For some, it’s trying to keep everyone happy. For others, it could be the immense group of people celebrating. There isn’t a way around this stress, but there can be ways to diminish it. For a more in-depth look at holiday stress, check out this article from The University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics.
Over the years, I’ve always experienced some form of anxiety during the holidays. Here are a few of my tips to help you get through the season.
Prepare yourself for stress.
You can’t really escape family gatherings and gift giving, but you can get your mind in a positive space. Before I’d go to a Christmas party hosted by either family or friends, I’d always have to prepare myself. Give yourself time for a pep talk, your favorite Christmas drink from Starbucks, and an episode of your favorite Netflix show. This experience may be uncomfortable, but know you will be okay. Trust me.
Find a getaway during gatherings.
Sometimes, relatives may ask that one question that will send you into a spiral. Whether it’s about an ex, why you aren’t dating anyone, or your future, just politely smile and leave the conversation. There’s always one room where everyone gathers; try and find the one with the least amount of people. Breathers are necessary.
Find your go-to’s at a party.
This is absolutely crucial. Mine is usually my cousin. Having someone to lean on during the chaos brings so much comfort. Joking about the event or talking about something completely different with another person distracts you from your anxiety-filled mind.
Devour the great food.
Holiday food can really be the best. Sometimes, my grandparents will even get me a chicken strips platter from Chick-fil-A. Let me tell you, that makes me want to endure the anxiety.
Realize this feeling won’t last forever.
I mentioned this in my first point, but it’s incredibly important. Your mind will play tricks on you. Instead of this event lasting for an evening, your brain will tell you it’s permanent. Realize this isn’t the case, and you will make it through.
Holidays can be stressful. Everyone experiences some type of stress when Christmas rolls around. Whether you’re stressed about finding the perfect present or the uncomfortable talks with distant relatives, you will make it through. I just know it.
Merry Christmas and…
Be well, Auburn.
Photography by: Abbey C.

Copy Editor
Born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama, Abbey is an icee and horror movie addict just trying to major in visual journalism. She loves music, photography, and possibly every type of dog that exists. When she isn’t at work or class, you can find her binge watching The Office, eating Mexican food, laughing at her own jokes, or at a local trivia night.
If Abbey is ever up before nine in the morning, she didn’t fall asleep the night before. Her favorite ways to stay active are playing volleyball, running away from her problems, and walking The Rec’s track with her friends. Her dream is to become a photographer and writer for a major magazine or newspaper.