DIY: How to Turn Any Notebook Into the Perfect Planner

Finding the perfect planner is no easy task.
Freshman year, I decided to make my own planner out of an old notebook I had but never used. Making your own planner can be the perfect solution to the problem of not being able to find the perfect planner at the store. You can make the boxes as big or small as you want and give yourself plenty of room for all of your to-do's. You can also make personalized reminder and goal pages for each month or week. Here are a couple of organizational strategies to help get you started planning.
Month by Month
It’s a good idea to designate an entire two-page spread for each month, as this will give you more room for each day. I find that it also helps me to make a little bullet list with three simple, achievable goals for each month. They can be anything — finishing a personal project, practicing yoga once a week, finishing that paper, you name it. Writing down goals that are achievable is key to making the most out of your months.
Week by Week
How you lay out each weekly section is really up to you. I like to give each day five to-do’s (go to class, workout, study, etc.). Limiting yourself to five or less major tasks for each day can be beneficial for your mental health too. Instead of having ten things floating around in your head that need to get done by the end of the week, break them up day by day.
Fun Every Day
Doodle, use fun pens, or add fun dates like birthdays, girls’ nights, sporting events, or whatever other occasions make you happy. Also, don’t forget to pencil in some time to yourself, too. Scheduling one night every other week to cook a nice meal for yourself or take a walk at your favorite park can add so much peace and stability to your routine.
You can also print out photos of friends, family, and your favorite places to help make your planner something that you actually want to use every day. Try out these tips, and let us know how your DIY planner turned out on social media @AuburnCampusRec! As always,
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Zoe L.