Back to School During a Global Pandemic

Transitions are hard. This year has definitely made them even harder than they are supposed to be.
Whether you’re back on campus after being cut off in the spring, or it’s your first year here on The Plains, we’re all experiencing this shift back to college life together. Here are some tips that I’ve learned from my own transition into junior year that I think will be useful no matter what stage of life you’re in right now.
Hold tight to the people around you (while physically distancing, of course).
This one might seem kind of obvious, but it’s so important to stay connected with friends and family while stepping back into the college lifestyle. I encourage you to hold on to those close friends in your life, and to hold on to any new friends as well. Meeting new people and forming new relationships is one of the best parts about your college experience. FaceTime your parents. Eat lunch on Samford lawn with your roommate. Connect with your classmates. Trust me on this one.
Challenge yourself.
Challenge yourself by finding different ways to stay connected to the world and to Auburn. Work as hard as you can in your classes. Take the hobbies you picked up over months at home and bring them to campus. Try a new at-home workout routine or visit us at The Rec a few times a week.
Be flexible.
It’s so easy to let the weight of this situation bring you down, but I challenge you to realize this: uncertainty isn’t always a bad thing. Maybe navigating through this transition is teaching you to give up some control and go with the flow. As we have seen, you never really know what the future holds. I think we should look at it as a learning experience to adapt to any situation life throws us.
Realize that everyone is in the same boat.
One of the best ways to make it through this transition is to realize that everyone around you is experiencing the same thing. For me, it’s one of the most important things to remember. No matter how scary or overwhelming it can get, everyone else is feeling the same thing. That’s pretty comforting if you ask me.
If you would have told me a year ago that I would be writing a blog about transitioning to college during a global pandemic, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. But here we are. We can make the most of this situation and make Auburn a better place amidst this chaos. I hope these tips help you out no matter what kind of transition you’re going through.
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Maggie D.
Maggie comes from a big family in Birmingham, Alabama. She came to Auburn along with her older brother and sister in hopes to create her own college experience. Her passion for meeting and learning about new people led her to pursue a degree in communication with a minor in marketing. She aspires to incorporate her communication skills with her love of helping others and exploring different cultures. Outside of school and work, you can usually find her taking a walk down College Street or working with horses at her childhood summer camp. Maggie loves trying different types of coffee from all over the world— she even has a subscription that sends her coffee from a different country each month!