Yik Yak is Back: Good or Bad?
Freedom of speech? Anonymous tweets? Controversial thoughts? It’s all on Yik Yak. Yik Yak is a social media app that creates a space for conversation through a discussion thread for those within five miles of a given location. It provides a space to anonymously post whatever you’re thinking at any time.

What Being a Handyman Taught Me
Over the summer I started working for a handyman company in my hometown to make some extra cash before I came back to Auburn. While I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, and I only worked there for a short time, I learned a lot of lessons that I’ll be able to use for the rest of my life.

A Full House: What It’s Like Growing Up with Six Siblings
Waiting for the bathroom to be clear, fighting for the best seat in the car, trying to find one room in your house that doesn’t have someone else in it. All of these things and more are what I’ve experienced growing up in a big family. Here is a little behind the scenes look at what life was like for me growing up.

A Guide to Auburn's Free Adobe Software
As of last school year, Auburn became the first school in the SEC to provide free (yes y’all, FREE) Creative Cloud subscriptions for all students. Not only does this benefit students who were already using Adobe’s programs, but it gives all Auburn students an advantage in their job search.

The Chillest Places on Auburn's Campus
We all know that Auburn’s campus can be crowded and chaotic at times. But many people don’t realize that Auburn’s campus is also full of many secluded spots. We’ve compiled a list of some of them, so you’ll know where to escape to when you need a little alone time.