Crafting Your Candle Collection
Candles are one of the most popular gifts and decorations for all times of the year. Here’s your go-to guide to help complete your candle collection.
Favorite Places to Find Candles
My friends and I rarely pass the candle aisle while shopping without stopping to smell each one. We almost always walk away with one or two more to add to our collection. Some of our favorite places to shop for candles are Target, Bath & Body Works, and the local Auburn Candle Company. All of which have a great array of scents and styles.
What’s Your Favorite Scent?
I personally prefer clean, floral scents, opposed to my roommates who gravitate to the sweet and flavorful ones. No matter your favorite scent, you are sure to find a candle you will fall in love with.
Can’t Find One You Like?
If you can’t find one you like, you can always make one! The Auburn Candle Company has “create your own candles” where you select three different scents and the jar of your choice for your own unique candle. This is a great way to learn about candles and it may help you discover exactly what scents you prefer.
Share your candle collection with us @auburncampusrec.
Be Well, Auburn.
Photography: Erika D.

Born in Connecticut, raised in Marietta, Georgia, Erika is a senior studying graphic design. Once stepping foot on campus, she immediately knew Auburn was her home. She has goals to pursue branding, advertising, and package design.
Outside of school, she loves driving around singing music over her radio, lounging around the house with her roommates, or spending time with her friends playing pick-up games. Erika loves to create and share her passion for art with others, even selling her artwork on Redbubble. And when she isn’t sketching, she is most likely getting in a workout between classes. Her love of sports and fitness has been unwavering ever since she was a kid. Playing three varsity-level sports in high school, including volleyball, lacrosse, and swimming, she has always been on the move. There is almost no sport she hasn’t tried yet!