How and Why I Run (As Someone Who Hates Running)
Let me start off by clarifying, I don’t necessarily “hate” running. I would just rather be doing anything else. My relationship with running has changed over time, so I thought I’d share why I still continue to lace up my sneakers.
During my freshman year of high school, I was searching for an after-school activity to do with friends. I decided to join the cross-country team and surprisingly, I enjoyed it! I spent time with my friends exploring the trails around our community, joked around with people at the meets, and made so many great memories. In fact, when my friends stopped doing cross-country and moved on to different things, I went along because the only reason I started running was to hang out with them.
Later in high school, the majority of my running surrounded the sport of lacrosse. I had played since middle school and thought about playing in college, so I ran to stay in shape and get better at the sport.
Now that I am in college and not playing any sports, my thoughts on running have changed a lot. Before, running was just a means to an end. I had never made the choice to run as a leisure activity.
Now running has many purposes for me. It helps me take a break from schoolwork and get outside for a little bit every day. It allows me to blow off steam and stay in shape without needing a full gym. I also love that running helps me see more of Auburn.
Whether you run to reach a specific goal or to relax after a stressful day, I think we can all find some way it benefits us.
Be Well, Auburn.