It's Never Too Early For A Tree
Most people wouldn’t expect to see a Christmas tree sitting in the living room at the beginning of October. However, this iconic piece of holiday decor can serve more than one purpose. My roommates and I decided to put a D.I.Y twist on the traditional garland and tinsel to transform the Christmas tree into a multi-season decoration. We pulled out the tree and decided to decorate for three holidays; Halloween, Christmas, and New Year’s!
We chose to decorate our tree with spooky decor that we found in storage. We went through some old boxes of Halloween decorations and found pumpkins, skeletons, and orange ribbons. We got some fake spider webs and used those as a tree skirt. The perfect star on top of the tree was a small cloth ghost.
Of course, we couldn’t forget the traditional Christmas holiday tree decor. We dressed the tree in red and green streamers and added sparkling tinsel surrounding the tree to look like fresh snow. We repurposed the Halloween cobwebs as a snowdrift tree skirt and added some toy trees, too. We also added paper snowflakes to make it extra frosty. And of course to finish it all off, a big shiny bow.
New Year’s
Who says the tree has to come down after Christmas, why not keep it up through New Year’s? We swapped out the red and green for black and gold accents. We used black streamers and golden garland. We used golden tree ornaments to add more sparkle and repurposed the bow from the Christmas decorations for this tree’s topper.
I hope this gets you in the holiday spirit and maybe encourages you to rethink the traditional holiday decor we all know and love.
Be well, Auburn.

Born in Connecticut, raised in Marietta, Georgia, Erika is a senior studying graphic design. Once stepping foot on campus, she immediately knew Auburn was her home. She has goals to pursue branding, advertising, and package design.
Outside of school, she loves driving around singing music over her radio, lounging around the house with her roommates, or spending time with her friends playing pick-up games. Erika loves to create and share her passion for art with others, even selling her artwork on Redbubble. And when she isn’t sketching, she is most likely getting in a workout between classes. Her love of sports and fitness has been unwavering ever since she was a kid. Playing three varsity-level sports in high school, including volleyball, lacrosse, and swimming, she has always been on the move. There is almost no sport she hasn’t tried yet!