Staying Organized with Google Calendar

This semester, I decided to commit to using Google Calendar to my advantage. I’m a relatively organized person, but I knew I could be making better use of my time. I’m not a huge planner because I find that it is inconvenient when I don’t have my planner with me. However, I always have my phone or computer. I’ve even found that it’s useful to schedule things like cooking dinner and working out because this makes me give those activities the same priority as class or work. Here are some reasons I’ve been loving Google Calendar!
1. Color Coding
I absolutely love how Google Calendar allows you to color code with custom colors so your calendar can fit your own aesthetic. Personally, I searched color palettes with hex numbers to get the perfect look. This in turn motivates me.
2. Sharing features
I don’t know if this is a universal thing, but I have the worst time remembering other people’s schedules. The sharing feature is perfect because you can share certain aspects of your calendar with others. For example, you could choose to share your class schedule with your roommates but keep some of your personal reminders unshared.
3. Categories
The option to categorize is one of the best aspects of Google Calendar. I have different calendars for class, work, tests, social events, athletic events, and more. This is perfect because it allows me to see the separation in all these events and how they play out in my day-to-day life. If I see that my schedule has been mostly class, tests, and work, I try to add a little bit of balance into my life to get back into my normal groove.
4. Easy syncing
Google Calendar easily syncs from my computer to phone which is a MUST HAVE. Before, I used Apple Calendar and I had issues with this at times. I’m sure it was user error, but it is so important for all my events to show up on all of my devices— especially when I am on the go.
5. Reminders
There is even an option to add reminders before events, which is perfect for anything in your schedule that is a little less common. If I’m getting coffee or lunch with a friend, I make sure I add a reminder to notify me a couple hours in advance to make sure I don’t forget.
Using Google Calendar has made a big difference in my life and it could do the same for you!
Be Well, Auburn.

Born in West Palm Beach, Florida, and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, Ashley is a freshman in Communications. Her indecisiveness led her to choose Auburn very last minute, and now she is in love with the school and lives for game days and Toomer’s vanilla lemonade.
She has a wide range of interests, mostly consisting of video, media, makeup, fashion, and food. In her free time, you can find her at Coffee Cat, Chick Fil A, in bed, or watching Food Network (preferably Guys Grocery’s Games or Pioneer Woman.) She’s currently savoring every moment she has at Auburn, even all the times she is left by the transit or gets lost in the Haley Center.