How to Spend Your Summer in Auburn

We all have different reasons to stay in Auburn over the summer. Maybe you’re taking classes, have a job, or simply don’t want your rent money to go to waste. Regardless, over the summer, the campus is not as bustling as it can be during the school year, so it can be tough to figure out how to spend your time. Here is a list of some activities to do during your summer in Auburn!
1. Picnic on Campus
Whether you prefer The Red Barn, Samford Lawn, or a more low-key spot, summertime is the perfect time to have a picnic. The weather is nice, and the lack of busyness can allow you to really appreciate Auburn’s campus for what it is.
2. Swim and Hike at Chewacla
Chewacla is a popular spot year-round, but did you know you can also swim there? This is a fun change of scenery, plus it is only $4 to get into the park, and you can spend a full day swimming and hiking.
3. Support local businesses
This goes without saying, but summer is the ideal time to support local businesses. First, some businesses really struggle when the students migrate home for summer. Second, it is the perfect time to go to places that oftentimes have a long wait or coffee shops where you usually struggle to get a table. Auburn is also known for our lemonade, so what better time to grab some Toomer’s Lemonade than on a hot summer day?
4. Enjoy the Farmer’s Market
There are several farmer’s markets in Auburn in the summertime that have all sorts of great finds. Between fresh fruits and vegetables, baked goods, homemade ice cream, candles, and more, it’s hard to not want to go back every weekend.
5. Go to The Rec
Summertime is the perfect time to head to The Rec. Whether you want to get a workout in or lounge by the pool, The Rec is the place for you. If you’ve ever struggled to find an empty machine, this is much less likely to happen in the summer. Don’t forget that you do need to purchase a summer membership if you’re not enrolled in classes for the summer.
Summertime in Auburn may be less lively than normal, but it doesn’t make it any less enjoyable.
Be well, Auburn.

Born in West Palm Beach, Florida, and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, Ashley is a freshman in Communications. Her indecisiveness led her to choose Auburn very last minute, and now she is in love with the school and lives for game days and Toomer’s vanilla lemonade.
She has a wide range of interests, mostly consisting of video, media, makeup, fashion, and food. In her free time, you can find her at Coffee Cat, Chick Fil A, in bed, or watching Food Network (preferably Guys Grocery’s Games or Pioneer Woman.) She’s currently savoring every moment she has at Auburn, even all the times she is left by the transit or gets lost in the Haley Center.