Siblings Surprises

Who knows your siblings better than you do?
When the holidays come around, I can always rest assured that I will get the best gifts from my sister. Her love language is gift-giving, so it tends to come easy for her. I, on the other hand, find it difficult to come up with gift ideas that will appease my sister. I also have a bad habit of waiting until the last minute to start shopping. This year, I have decided to get an early start on planning out my sister’s Christmas gifts. Lilly, don’t read this.
If your sibling isn’t a reader, this is the best time to get them to start a new hobby. New Year's is right around the corner, and with it, new year resolutions. Encourage them to start reading more by gifting them with a new book! If anyone knows what tropes your sibling will enjoy, it should be you. Get them a book you enjoyed reading– you can even annotate it to make it even more special! If they are a reader, get them a book that is on your TBR (to be read) list and read it together!
Check out Binge-Worthy Books for some books you may want to read with your sibling!
Concert Tickets
If you're anything like me, you probably drag your sister to see just about every artist you love. This Christmas, allow your sibling to share their questionable music taste with you. Tickets may be expensive depending on the artist, and we all know that Ticketmaster is the number one opp, so I like to use Tickpick. This app allows you to buy tickets for cheaper by eliminating the additional fees that most venues will try to charge you.
Gift Cards
If you get your sister a gift card to Chick-fil-A and she does her big sister duty by using it to pay for your lunch when you go out together, you actually won’t lose any money — girl math.
My sister loves spending money, so getting gift cards is a lifesaver for her. Giving a gift card to your sibling for their favorite restaurant or clothing brand is the best and easiest way to guarantee they will get something they want. It may not be the most meaningful, but it is definitely useful in the long run. Nothing is better than finding something you want to buy at your favorite stores and remembering you have a gift card. Save money by spending someone else’s!
Auburn Merch
Arguably the best option on this list. Who doesn't love getting a new Auburn sweatshirt or tote bag? My sister is a big Auburn fan (as she should be), so she loves getting new merchandise when she comes to visit. This year, I plan to beat her to the punch and stock up on all the merch the Auburn University Bookstore, J&M, and Toomer’s Corner have to offer!
If worse comes to worse, just ask your sibling what they want. If you’re lucky, they will have an itemized list that has been sitting in their notes since July. If not, at least you have this list to look back on for some tips!
Happy holidays, and…
Be well, Auburn.

After getting her associate degree, Sophi transferred to Auburn Univerity to study Communications and English. She had been indifferent towards Auburn before, but after chanting Bodda Getta at football games and indulging in some Toomer’s lemonade, Sophi embraced the Auburn community with open arms. She plans to pursue a career in publishing as a book editor. Sophi is involved with the university’s literary magazine, The Auburn Circle, on prose staff.
If you haven’t guessed by now, Sophi is an avid reader who can talk for hours about her favorite books. She will recommend just about anything by Agatha Christie or Madeline Miller if you ask. When she doesn’t have her nose stuck in a book, you can find her running or playing sand volleyball at The Rec, hanging out at her apartment with her roommates and friends, or playing the annoyingly addictive Block Blast game on her phone.