Put the “A” in Asynchronous!: Things to Know When Taking an Online Class

Sooner or later, you may find yourself taking an asynchronous class.
This can be good news for some and bad for others. As someone who has taken many online classes, I have learned a few tips and tricks that can help you succeed.
Find Your Space
Good news! Online classes mean that you have the freedom to do schoolwork wherever you want! The bad news is, you have the freedom to do schoolwork wherever you want. Sitting in your room to work can be tempting, but that isn't the most productive environment. Sunlight and a clear space have been proven to enhance creativity and motivation. A study room with a nice view or a cozy spot in your favorite bookstore is a great option. Check out Grace’s blog here to find more study spots!
Prioritize Your Time
Along with choosing your space, you are also responsible for finding time to work on assignments. In-person classes set aside a specific time dedicated to learning new material. With such a flexible work schedule, it can be easy to put off watching lectures. The belief that you can simply do it later is a dangerous gamble. Even if it’s only 30 minutes a day, set aside some time committed to doing schoolwork and stick to this routine. I promise you will thank yourself for planning when you get to the end of the semester and you’re not swamped with all the deadlines coming up.
Connect With Classmates
Don’t be scared to reach out to your classmates. It may be an online class, but resources come from all around you. GroupMe is a great way to connect with your classmates about questions concerning the material. There is a good chance you will already know someone in the class, but if not, take this opportunity to meet someone new! Either way, having people to talk to about the class is always a plus.
At the end of the day, you know how to manage your workload. Asynchronous classes may be in a different format, but it is a class nonetheless. Use these tips along with the study methods and organizational skills that you would in an in-person class, and you are guaranteed to succeed!
Be well, Auburn!

After getting her associate degree, Sophi transferred to Auburn Univerity to study Communications and English. She had been indifferent towards Auburn before, but after chanting Bodda Getta at football games and indulging in some Toomer’s lemonade, Sophi embraced the Auburn community with open arms. She plans to pursue a career in publishing as a book editor. Sophi is involved with the university’s literary magazine, The Auburn Circle, on prose staff.
If you haven’t guessed by now, Sophi is an avid reader who can talk for hours about her favorite books. She will recommend just about anything by Agatha Christie or Madeline Miller if you ask. When she doesn’t have her nose stuck in a book, you can find her running or playing sand volleyball at The Rec, hanging out at her apartment with her roommates and friends, or playing the annoyingly addictive Block Blast game on her phone.