Auburn Accommodations

Housing in Auburn can make or break your college experience.

Moving to college was my first moving experience ever. As you can imagine, it was a huge awakening for me. My hope and goal for this article is to relieve you of added stress and show you that not all roommate situations will be bad!

On-Campus Advantages

Living on-campus was one of the best decisions I made in college. Moving to a new state where I didn’t know many people didn’t scare me like you would expect. I was so ready to be on campus and start my college career that I didn’t have much time to worry. The biggest awakening came when I saw the tiny shoebox with an even smaller closet.

I was lucky enough to live on campus for my first two years. The convenience, location, memories, late nights in the library, and friends made it completely worth it. I arrived on campus in August of 2020––yes, the HEIGHT of COVID-19. The majority of the campus was shut down. Given the unfortunate circumstance, I still made the best friends in my dorm!

Living on campus is a great way to meet people and make connections. Everyone is in the same boat––anxiously waiting to meet friends. I can’t encourage you enough to reach out to others in your dorm to grab lunch, go for a walk or The Rec, or stay in for a movie night.

On-Campus Disadvantages

As with any decision, there are pros and cons. One inconvenient thing was parking, but we all know parking on campus is rough. Parking is not to be tested— I promise. I lived in the Quad, parked for maybe five minutes to grab my overnight bags, and returned to a ticket and a boot on my car. That was a very expensive, $190, mistake.

If you like to cook, the absent kitchen may be another inconvenience, but there are ways to work around that! Many, if not all, of the dorms have a communal kitchen area. My time living on-campus has ended, but the memories will last forever.

Off-campus Housing Advantages

Moving off-campus was an ambition of mine for a long time. I envied my friends who had a full kitchen, parking right outside their door, and beds bigger than a twin. This year, it became reality, and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve made new friends, sat on the porch while drinking coffee, and enjoyed being a college student in a whole new way. Also, I LOVE my full kitchen, queen-sized bed, and close parking. Change is good, and I am embracing it!

My favorite part is hosting my friends and loved ones. I am very thankful to have a space where we can all gather, laugh, and enjoy. Two of my favorite gatherings I hosted were a tailgate brunch and Galentine’s.

Off-Campus Disadvantages

My time management skills have elevated as a result of moving off campus. Having to plan for traffic, parking, and walking to class has been an adjustment. I am extremely routine oriented and leave the house with an ample amount of time. Being late is not an option for me— I won’t allow it.

Another adjustment I had to make was finding a place to be in my time between classes. Previously, I would go back to the dorm. Now, I find a place on campus to sit and do homework or go for a walk. Pro-tip: schedule your classes back-to-back to avoid unwanted downtime.

I am thankful for the opportunity to live on and off campus. Both have brought memories and unforgettable experiences. Whether you live on campus or off, I hope you cherish and enjoy it because time will fly by.

Be Well, Auburn. 

Disclaimer: Every experience is going to be different. If you are unable to get on-campus housing, don’t let it ruin your experience! Make friends with people who live on campus and make the most of your time at Auburn! It won’t last forever!


An avid sports fan from Sharpsburg, Georgia, Maddie knew she wanted to head to a D1 school. After visiting Auburn, she was set on becoming a member of the Auburn Family.

Maddie enjoys spending quality time with others, watching Friends, working out, playing golf, and making others smile. Maddie also loves dogs and has two adorable chocolate labs at home.

Her favorite place to be is outdoors. Whether it’s going for a stroll or chatting with friends, you can find Maddie spending her time outside. She is passionate about helping others, staying active and organized, enjoying the moment, and closing her rings. If you find Maddie without her Apple Watch, something bad has definitely happened.