Gluten-Free Goodies
Whether by choice or necessity, living a gluten-free life can be challenging.
People may be aware of how hard it is to find gluten-free meals, but not many people talk about the difficulty of finding gluten-free snacks. As someone who is gluten intolerant, I know how difficult it can be to find tasty treats that don’t hurt my stomach. Luckily, I’ve found a few underrated foods that are so good you won’t be able to tell the difference!
What is Gluten?
Gluten is a protein found in most grains. It keeps the bread together and helps it to rise—or, as some of my friends say, it’s what makes the food taste good. Gluten is present in many wheat-based foods but is also found in foods that you may not even realize.
Zapp’s Voodoo Chips
These gluten-free chips are addictive. They have been a favorite of mine for a while now. It may sound bizarre, but I would describe them as the perfect mix of barbeque and dill pickle chips—two of my personal favorites. Just trust me. Luckily, a lot of famous chip brands are gluten-free, so if these don’t work for you, check out more famous brands like Lays and Ruffles.
The Good Crisp Company
Unfortunately, Pringles doesn’t remove the gluten from its wheat starch when making its chips, so it is not gluten-free. However, a great substitute for this brand is The Good Crisp Company. These chips are made with clean and healthy ingredients, and they don’t contain the top allergens that are found in other products. While they don’t have all the flavors that Pringles does, Good Crisp has made sure to provide the classics. Whether it’s Sour Cream and Onion, Outback BBQ, or the Classic Original, your taste buds will not be able to tell you made a gluten-free switch!
Welch’s Fruit Snacks
Did you know that not all gummy brands are gluten-free? As I said, there is gluten hidden everywhere. Welch’s fruit snacks are probably already on your snack list due to their popularity and convenience. The packaging makes it easy to carry around a small treat throughout the day. These gummies also contain 100% Vitamin C and 25% Vitamins A and E.
While this may not really be categorized as a snack, this brand does have great gluten-free baking mixes. After years of suffering just for a brownie, I am now able to enjoy the chocolatey goodness without feeling bad. It may take a while to get used to the slight taste differences, but after the initial bite, my sweet tooth couldn’t stop! The brand also has a muffin mix, pancake mix, cookie mix, and even an all-purpose gluten-free flour option.
I hope these snacks solve your tummy troubles! Enjoy your gluten-free treats, and…
Be well, Auburn!

After getting her associate degree, Sophi transferred to Auburn Univerity to study Communications and English. She had been indifferent towards Auburn before, but after chanting Bodda Getta at football games and indulging in some Toomer’s lemonade, Sophi embraced the Auburn community with open arms. She plans to pursue a career in publishing as a book editor. Sophi is involved with the university’s literary magazine, The Auburn Circle, on prose staff.
If you haven’t guessed by now, Sophi is an avid reader who can talk for hours about her favorite books. She will recommend just about anything by Agatha Christie or Madeline Miller if you ask. When she doesn’t have her nose stuck in a book, you can find her running or playing sand volleyball at The Rec, hanging out at her apartment with her roommates and friends, or playing the annoyingly addictive Block Blast game on her phone.