Plainsman Park Enhancements

Alright, Tiger Fans! As you May know, baseball season is right around the corner, and the Tigers will have a newly renovated stadium to play in.
Auburn Facilities has been working nonstop this past off-season to have the new amenities complete by the 2025 baseball season. The new and improved Plainsman Park consists of new unique seating options, new club areas, more shade, and beautiful new architecture.
War Eagle Wall
One of the most exciting renovations is the revamping of the wall in left field. Behind the wall, a two-rowed terrace will be built that sits atop the wall. This terrace will have standing room for general admission to watch the game from an elevated outfield view. The concept art shows a mobile food cart on the terrace, so it’s possible fans will have quick and easy access to food and drink atop the terrace. The concept art also shows that the wall will be accessed via stairs from behind, as well as a ramp/skyway connected to the third baseline seating.
I am very excited about this new section, and I can say that, if it isn’t too hot, you may just find me up there! The wall is complete with detail displaying the text “War Eagle” on the face of it, adding more character to the park.
The Back 40 Deck
One addition that we saw come about last season, but is a big part of the Plainsman Park renovations is The Back 40 Deck. The Back 40 Deck is another outfield seating option that is specifically targeted to students. It is as the name implies, a deck that is built along the right-field wall where students can hang out and watch the game along the outfield. This area emphasizes students as a collective and encourages gathering for the Auburn student section. The deck is also built next to the Auburn bullpen, so students can hype up their fellow Auburn students warming up before they go into the game.
New Locker Room
In October, Auburn Baseball revealed their locker room to their players and shared the experience on their Instagram. The locker room looks incredible and has been made completely new. Each player now has their own beautifully crafted with intention and spacious locker/cubby area. Other amenities include leather couches, a pool table, and several TVs. Furthermore, the locker room interior design screams Auburn. From the navy floor painted with the classic Auburn baseball logo and the beautiful Auburn locker designs to the several orange and blue wall decals – this locker room is most definitely a quality-of-life upgrade that will benefit the team.
Plainsman Patio, Hall of Fame Club, and First Base Club
The most noticeable renovation of Plainsman Park is the extension of the stadium shell on the first base side along South Donahue Drive. This extension brings several new amenities to the park. For one, it’s bringing a club seating option called the First Base Club. This seating brings a top-of-the-line gameday experience with elevated seating along the first baseline, food and beverage options, and private restrooms. Underneath the First Base Club, the renovation has expanded the Plainsman Patio and has created more space for standing room to watch the game. It also will have a walk-in concession area for food and beverage. The back of the patio will also overlook South Donahue Drive, making it a great spot for Tiger Walks in the fall. And lastly, underneath the seating behind home plate is the Hall of Fame Club. This area adds premium ground-level seating for club members along with an area behind it for food, beverage, TVs, restrooms, and indoor seating.
I’m not sure about y’all, but I am really looking forward to this year’s Auburn baseball season and all these new features. I think I’ll first go to the War Eagle Wall and enjoy a hot dog and Coke with some friends, hoping to catch a Tiger win, or a maybe Tiger home run!
See y’all there!
Be Well, Auburn.