How to Throw the Best Budget Iron Bowl Party

Are you ready? The Iron Bowl is in less than a week, and staff here at Be Well can’t wait.
I think I’ve seen Kick Six at least 12 times this week. And it’s only Monday. Not only is this sporting event more than just a game, it’s a tradition — or even a holiday, depending on whom you ask.
Auburn and Alabama fans both know that the Saturday after Thanksgiving is meant for tailgate food, fellowship with other fans and an afternoon spent yelling at the TV. It’s a day to celebrate!
But when the game is out of town, and you weren’t lucky enough to snag a ticket, you’re stuck examining your options. That’s why we’ve gathered you a cheat sheet on how to throw a last-second Iron Bowl party without breaking the bank.
Invite people by word of mouth, or on Facebook.
There’s no need in spending money on invitations. Everyone knows about the game already. Just tell your friends and then have them tell their friends. You’ll probably end up with more football-obsessed 20-somethings than you imagined. Create a Facebook event and invite people, and consider making a GroupMe after you've figured out who's coming. It'll help you keep track of everything, and helps you organize for our next step, which is:
Make it a potluck.
When you tell your friends and they tell their friends, be sure to mention that everyone needs to bring food. This way there’s sure to be plenty and the food burden isn’t on you. Some easy (and cheap) recipes are Suddenly Pasta Salad, Crazy Pizza Bread and Puppy Chow with orange and blue M&M’s.
Worried about everyone bringing the same things? Create a quick Google doc spreadsheet, and invite people to join. That way you’ll be able to keep track of who’s bringing what.
Take a trip to Dollar Tree.
All of your party supplies can be found here – for a dollar. They have paper products, tablecloths and decorations in each team’s colors, as well as some neutral football-themed gear, in case fans of each team will be attending the party.
If you have some old soup cans or mason jars lying around, you can turn them into cute football utensil holders. Simply grab a paintbrush and some brown and white paint, and follow the directions here. Your décor will be a hit and so will your party. Oh, and about those shakers you collect at every home game? Bring them out on the table, or feature them in a vase – easy peasy.
Have fun.
Through the hustle and bustle of gameday don’t forget that this is the most important part. So put on your good ‘ole #2 jersey, grab some food and get ready to cheer for Auburn!
No matter how you celebrate the Iron Bowl this year, all of us at Be Well hope that you have a wonderful time with your friends and family. Have any tips for throwing a cheap Iron Bowl tailgate or party? Comment below, or contact us on social media @AuburnCampusRec. And as always,
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Julia B.
A true Auburn legacy, Brooklyn stepped onto Pat Dye Field at the age of five and knew immediately she wanted to follow in her family’s footsteps.
She’s not just an avid dog lover, but a dog parent—she works so her mutt can have a better life. Her greatest talent is binge watching Netflix (she’s that person who goes through nine years of television in two weeks). Her "obsession collection" consists of chocolate-covered strawberries, candles, Lush cosmetics, and herbal teas.
She strives to live by the last few lines of the Auburn Creed believing in her country and doing her best to serve her home—the land of freedom given by those who defend it.