10 Simple Ways to Minimize Stress and Elevate Happiness

Stressed out? Here are 10 tips to boost your happiness.
Despite Auburn's abundance of fun and relaxing activities, most of us feel overwhelmed at some point in the semester. Tests and projects start to pile up, but you don't have to worry. When coffee breaks and music playlists aren’t enough to calm the storm around you, try these 10 tips to help minimize your stress and elevate your happiness.
Wake up and do a 5-minute yoga stretch instead of getting on your phone!
Yoga is the ultimate stress reliever, and taking five minutes to stretch before starting your day does wonders. You will feel energized and ready to start your day.
Take a shower in the morning.
Not only will you be fresh and clean, but it will wake you up, leaving you feeling renewed for the day ahead.
Dress to boost your confidence.
Dressing well not only makes you more confident, but it also makes you feel more in control of the day. Changing up your style or simply making an effort makes a huge difference. If you are indecisive when it comes to finding the right look, try laying out a few options the night before. You'll save time and still look and feel your best.
Leave your house ten minutes earlier and give yourself a morning treat.
Whether it’s coffee or a quick bite to eat, it is always good to have something on your stomach. Fueling your brain is essential to having a productive day!
Plan your day before it starts.
Have a tangible planner where you can see your obligations and check off your accomplishments. It's a great way to remember tasks, and it'll boost your productivity. Check out out favorite planners here!
Give yourself a break.
Don’t fight your body’s signals. Take a 20-minute nap during your day if you’re tired. If naps aren’t your thing, or if you only have a break on campus, then take 20 to 30 minutes to watch an episode of "The Office" or sketch. Allow your brain to pause for a little while, and you'll soon see the long-term benefits.
Work from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
This is a great way to pace yourself while allowing your nights to be free for meetings or lounging. If you have long breaks on campus, find a quiet spot to work on homework or study. Accomplish the important stuff while you are in work and school mode, so when the evening rolls around, you can just relax and unwind.
Don’t stay up past midnight studying.
You can’t always get everything done before 5 p.m. Life happens. But staying up all night should not be the first alternative. You can’t expect much from yourself if you don’t let your mind and body rest. Instead, study until midnight, then call it quits. Go to bed, and wake up early around 6 a.m. or 7 a.m. to continue. You’ll feel more rested, and you’ll process the information more effectively. Plus, you won't crash in the middle of your test the next day.
Use the weekend to plan for the rest of the week.
Sunday is perfect for mapping out the upcoming week. Know what your week entails, and you'll be mentally prepared for it. You can also prepare for a really busy week by meal prepping. This will save you time during the week to focus on other, more pressing deadlines and due dates. Just cook or prepare a quick meal or snack and then leave it in the refrigerator until you need it.
Finally, give yourself grace and strive to be your best, not to be perfect.
Perfection is overrated. As long as you’re doing your best, you have a lot to be proud of. Don’t create even more stress by placing goals on yourself that are unfair and unattainable. You are human, and that is okay. You got this.
Making these quick, simple changes to your daily routine will help you beat the inevitability of stress in your life. So breathe, try them out, and feel the change! Also, if you're constantly feeling stressed or anxious, consider seeking help with the Auburn Student Counseling Services.
As always,
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Jack P.
Born and raised in the 256, Lydia is majoring in interior design and minoring in sustainability. Growing up with an eye for design, she pursued photography as a child and later fell in love with the simplistic beauty of modern architecture.
A lover of tattoos and all things black, Lydia believes that artistic self-expression is what makes each person unique. When she isn't hard at work on studio projects or working here in the marketing department, you can find her taking photos and cuddling with her dog. She wants to move to New York City to continue her career in design, so she can open her own architecture firm with her brother.