Why It's Okay to Quit

I grew up hearing that you should never quit. In fact it was a family rule. And for a time, it was a really good one. But is it still?
Never quitting was a great rule growing up. It meant that I would eventually learn to ride my bike no matter how many times I fell, that I couldn’t get a new coloring sheet every time I got outside the lines, and that even though I couldn’t figure out how to hold the racquet for the first several lessons, I would become a tennis player. Persevering at a young age laid the foundation for me to continue persevering in the important things in life. But sometimes never quitting becomes so engrained within us that it becomes unhealthy.
Sometimes in life it’s okay — and maybe even good — to quit. Sometimes to succeed, you have to give up on what’s holding you back.
Compare the activities or organizations you are involved in to a buffet. You go through with one plate and load up at the beginning of the line. Maybe you fill your plate with salad and lima beans. Then, lo and behold, you see filet mignon at the end of the line. But you have no room left because your plate is already full of greens. Yes, greens are good. But steak is so much better.
If something is weighing you down, consider quitting. Don’t do anything too rash. But if you decide to drop an activity, don’t think of it as saying “no.” Instead, think of it as saying “yes” to a new opportunity and a happier, better you.
Be the best you that you can be, even if that’s not the person you once thought you’d be, or the person others want you to be. Don’t be afraid to go a different direction. Quitting might be one of the best decisions you ever make.
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Cat S.

Cassie studies public relations and marketing. She feels pretty #blessed she gets to tweet and blog in her studies and her job.
Personality? Cassie’s a mix of an ENFJ & ENFP. She has just enough "J" to keep her life together but enough "P" to keep things interesting. She’s pretty much always up for an adventure...unless it's nap time.
Cassie loves people, traveling, food…and most recently, running (it’s a love/hate relationship). If she’s not going from one meeting to another, you’ll probably find her circling The Rec’s track (entirely too many times) training for her next race.