10 Memes to Keep You Laughing Throughout Your Workout

You know those days when you have to drag yourself to the gym?
Don’t worry, we have all been there. Today, celebrate the fact that you made it to The Rec by laughing through your workout with these hilarious memes.
*Almost every time I work out.*
True. Should I find new friends for spring break?
What are the symptoms? Asking for a friend.
I’m not saying I’m a big deal … but I’m a big deal.
NO, NO, NO! Personal space please? I guess I will move now…
(…My nonexistent muscles. Just saying.)
Thank goodness, no one will hear my huffing and puffing.
Will it ever end?
Don’t mind me! I know exactly what I’m doing.
Please, for the love of everyone, keep the noises to yourself.
I hope these brightened your day, whether or not you decide to hit The Rec. Mental health is just as important as physical health, so a laugh a day is always needed! Keep killing in at the gym, and as always,
Be well, Auburn.

Originally born on the Plains, there is no other option than being an Auburn Tiger. Ashley is a senior majoring in marketing and looks forward to moving back to Birmingham to be close to family, and to start her career as the North Alabama Marketing Representative for her employer.
New to the Recreation and Wellness Center, Ashley enjoys every day working here, not only because she feels more a part of the Auburn Family, but because she is learning more about how to stay active and live a healthy lifestyle. When she is not on one of her organization or cleaning binges, you can find her shopping for shoes or watching an entire season of the newest Netflix show with her best friends. She is a fanatic for Fall, loves cooking, finding new hobbies, and can always be found running in the rain.