Why It's Great To Get Socks for Christmas

I was the kind of kid that could never quite master the “polite smile and thank you” thing when I got a gift I didn’t love.
What can I say, I wear my emotions on my sleeve. However, as I’ve gotten older, my polite smiles have turned into genuine gratitude at the idea of someone giving me anything at all.
My friendship love language is quality time, but I’ve always wished it was gifts. I envy the kind of friend who could spend weeks planning out the perfect presents for their people. Unfortunately, I’m nothing like this, and I’m not ashamed to say that last-minute trips to Walmart have saved me on more than one gift-giving occasion.
I’m not the best at coming up with the perfect wish list, and that might just be that I’m getting older. I’m finding it impossible to compile a go-to list of things I want someone to get me, especially with the pressure of the holidays looming close. So, when someone does gift me something, most of the time it’s a welcome surprise that they thought to get me anything at all.
I adore the thought of someone spending any amount of time buying or making something for me. After all, a gift is a gift, and the content doesn’t matter as much as the act of giving in my eyes. And in terms of content, I think socks are an elite gift. Not only does everyone use them, but they’re also the staple of coziness on a cold night or a great way to make an outfit more fun. They check all the boxes: practical, cozy, and cute. I mean, come on! I stand with Dumbledore when he said, “One can never have enough socks.” Too true, Albus.
You may not like getting socks for Christmas, and that’s totally okay. I know I didn’t for a long time. However, as cheesy as it may be, opening yourself up to the love that comes with receiving even the smallest gift in the world is really what the holidays are about, right?
So, give me socks for Christmas! If it means you thought of me, even if it was only for five minutes as you browsed through Target, I’ll be happy.
Happy holidays and…
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Hannah S.

Creative Director
Born in Mobile, Alabama, Hannah’s decision to attend Auburn came as a nasty shock to her Alabama-loving family. They’ve since come around, though she suspects her mom will never remove her crimson license plate from her car. Hannah is a junior studying visual media and minoring in marketing, and, like her mom and her license plate, you’ll never see Hannah without her Canon in tow.
Hannah’s likes include her roommate’s homemade cookies, true crime podcasts, and Auburn Basketball. Besides The Rec, Hannah works as an extra on film and TV shows — she has played everything from an elf to a bomb victim, and her eternal fun fact is that she was in Stranger Things. Hannah’s dream is to one day make her own movies, and she’s already written her acceptance speech for Best Director at the Oscars.