Outdoor Sports Gear On A Budget
Outdoor sports gear seems to forever be growing more and more expensive.
As college students, we might not always be able to pay premiums for our hiking boots or winter coats. Here is a list of websites that you can use to find deals on all your necessary gear:
Backcountry is arguably the biggest of all the online discount stores. They have name brands like The North Face, Mammut, Patagonia, and Marmot. Backcountry also has an easy to navigate sale section to make finding deals easy for you!
Sierra is a mostly online retailer that is operated by the same company that operates T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, and Homegoods. With their holiday promos and an extensive clearance section, Sierra is a go-to for apparel and gear.
REI is a well-known outdoor retailer that needs no introduction. Their website has an entire outlet section dedicated to gear marked up to 50% off.
The House
The House has gear for all elements of the outdoors — travel, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and snowshoeing. They also have an outlet section of their website where you can find insane deals that are over 70% off.
Evo is a well-branded website with maybe the craziest discounts on this list. With a heavy emphasis on snow sports, Oakley helmets, and Dakine gloves, there’s tons of gear to be found at extremely low prices.
Water Outfitters
Water Outfitters has a primary focus on water sports, but also sports a sale section with apparel deals as well. If you’re looking for more niche and less common items, Water Outfitters might be the site for you.
Steep and Cheap
Steep and Cheap has extensive holiday deals on big brands like Marmot, Patagonia, Stoic, and ALPS Engineering. You can shop by brand steals, category steals, and through their bargain bins to find the best outdoor gear!
Auburn Outdoors Rental Shop
Last but certainly not least, be sure to stop by The Rec’s very own Auburn Outdoors Rental Shop or check out their list of available gear on RWC Connect. They have tons of gear for just about any outdoor activity you could imagine, from hiking, to biking, to water sports, and more, and their team of outdoor experts can help you find just the right gear and equipment for your specific adventure.
Whether you are starting a new hobby or gift shopping for your outdoor enthusiast friend, these sites will help you find what you’re looking for without breaking the bank.
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Jacob L.

Born and raised in Turlock, California, Jacob recently found a new home at Auburn University as a transfer student. Studying Business Administration, he hopes to create and lead teams that will inspire positive change in the world. In his off time, you can find him hanging out with friends or being overly competitive on the IM fields. Jacob is a serial hobbyist and loves to learn new things. Whether it’s playing sports, building things, cooking great food, or working with Campus Recreation, Jacob always finds new ways to challenge himself and those around him.