5 Reminders for Every College Student

Some everyday encouragement to a college student in any season. Here are five reminders I tell myself when life seems too big and I am feeling small.
1. You are enough.
Pause for a minute and take a deep breath. I constantly feel like I am multitasking in every area of my life, so I am permitting you to press pause on everything consuming your attention. Now that I have your attention, you are enough. Your existence today is enough regardless of how productive you are or what you accomplish.
2. Try your best.
At the end of the day, the only thing you have control over is your attitude and your actions. I find this to be such a refreshing reminder. For the rest of the week, try to frame your day around trying your best, not being superhuman.
3. Ask for help.
There is NO shame in asking for help. I will be the first to admit that this season and semester has been one of transition and re-learning time management. This has led to a few rough and overwhelming days for me, my co-workers, and my friends. Meaning, that whatever you’re feeling is completely valid. Whether that’s being honest with your professor about your workload, your friends about lack of social time, or needing to talk to a professional about life; ask for help.
4. Take a break.
This is the most cliche advice I could give. However, I mean it with every ounce of my being. Take a break, friend. Read a book, go on a walk with friends, jump in the car for a sunset drive, go for an ice-cream run, Schedule a group fitness class, sit in a coffee shop, etc. Find something that brings you joy and take a step back from productivity. Your heart and your brain will thank you!
5. You aren’t alone.
I think simultaneously college is both hard and amazing. The best thing to come from my time at Auburn is my community. They have challenged, encouraged, loved, and pushed me to be the best human I can be. So, here is your reminder that you aren’t alone. If you haven’t found your community yet, AUInvolve is a great place to start. Begin with something you’re interested in and go from there. If you’ve already found your people, then be sure to spend time with them and take a break from the all-encompassing class load.
College is hard friend, but take it one day at a time and…
Be Well, Auburn.

Meet Kazmine, a military child who found her true home in Auburn, Alabama. She is a sophomore majoring in Physical Activity and Health with a minor in marketing with the hopes of pursuing a career in sports marketing. Three years ago, a rare diagnosis left her unsure about life without sports, and now she has a love for helping people find balance between wellness and rest.
When she’s not in class you can find her cooking her next Pinterest recipe, or baking a sweet treat in the kitchen. Her heart is connected to the beach and pasta is her obsession. She is also determined to visit every Disney park around the world before she graduates college and is obsessed with Disney +. She loves talking to people and her best friend is her eight-year old sister!