The Benefits of Wearing Sunscreen Everyday

Most of us only think to put on sunscreen when we are headed to the beach or the pool. Believe it or not, it’s actually better to wear sunscreen every day for a variety of benefits.
Here are some of the reasons I’m making a personal goal to wear sunscreen every day—even if I’m not headed to the pool.
Prevents Sunburn
Now, this may be the obvious reason. We all know the purpose of sunscreen, but do you know the benefits of wearing it consistently? Harmful and extended periods of sun exposure can lead to sunspots and even the possibility of skin cancer development. By keeping your skin protected, you can soak up the sun without being worried about potential sunspots and skin damage.
Reduce Aging Signs
We all want happy and healthy skin when we are older. So, let’s start now. Wearing sunscreen moisturizes the skin and protects it from damage to the connective tissues within your skin. When this gets damaged, your skin loses elasticity and gains wrinkles.
Reduce the Risk of Skin Cancer
Using a sunscreen that has at least 15 SPF could be the game-changer for your skin. Although, the higher the number the better. Make sure to reapply after being in the sun for two hours, swimming, and even after drying off from a dip in the pool.
I know these suggestions may seem like mood killers for a sunny day but in the long run, you’ll thank me for saving your skin. Apply sunscreen every day and never worry about the risks involved when you don’t. I’ll be right there with you with my SPF 15.
Be Well, Auburn.
