Self-Care in College: Beating the Winter Blues

Self-Care in College: Beating the Winter Blues

With shorter days, colder temperatures, and seemingly endless nights of studying, winter can bring about the blues to college life.

If you've ever found yourself in a slump, fear not. This guide will explore some effective strategies to tackle those winter blues head-on and make your college experience brighter, even when the days are darker.

Get Out and About

One of the biggest challenges during winter is the struggle to make yourself go out. The cold weather makes it tempting to stay cooped up indoors, but you can break the cycle by spending time outside. Even just a short walk can brighten your day. The fresh air, change of scenery, and a bit of sunshine can work wonders for your mood and mental state.

Light Therapy

Winter’s shorter days can lead to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) for some individuals. Combat this with light therapy. Light therapy involves spending 30 minutes near a light source every morning. Invest in a lightbox or simply spend more time in well-lit areas on campus. Exposure to bright light can help regulate your body's internal clock and boost your mood.

Stay Active

Regular exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. Get a workout in or participate in winter sports on campus. Even a daily yoga session or a brisk indoor walk can keep your spirits high. Just 30 minutes of exercise daily can be a game changer.

Healthy Eating

Don't underestimate the power of a well-balanced diet. Nutrient-rich foods can help improve your mood and energy levels. Fight the temptation of winter comfort foods by incorporating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet. 


The temptation to hibernate in your dorm can be strong during winter, but you shouldn’t isolate yourself. Make an effort to connect with friends and classmates. Go to dinner, watch a movie, or participate in any of the events happening around campus. Socializing can keep loneliness at bay and provide a much-needed support system. Make a point of connecting with those who mean the most to you.


Remember, the winter blues are a common experience, but with these strategies, you can combat them effectively. Don't let the colder months dampen your college experience. Instead, use them as an opportunity to grow, learn, and thrive, no matter the weather.

Stay positive, stay motivated, stay warm, and…

Be Well, Auburn!

Caroline is a junior marketing major, originally from Johns Creek, Georgia. Even though she is not too far from home, she feels equally at home and loved in Auburn.

Outside of class and work, you can find Caroline working out, trying new recipes with her roomies, walking with friends, or attending any Auburn sports event going on! She also loves Chipotle, and you can catch her listening to a different genre of music every day.

After graduating, Caroline hopes to work in either social media marketing or sports marketing.