Finals Week Survival Guide: How to Balance Study, Sleep, and Sanity

Finals week — aKA the most stressful time of the semester, is upon us.
It’s the week when it feels like everything’s piling up, and the pressure to ace your exams can be overwhelming. But don’t worry — you’ve got this! The key to surviving this stressful week is finding a balance between studying, sleeping, and staying sane. Here are some finals week tips from a senior to help you navigate it all.
Make a Realistic (and Flexible) Study Plan
Let’s be honest, creating a study plan sounds great, but sticking to it? Not so easy. Keeping track of all your finals week obligations will help ensure you don’t miss anything amidst the chaos. Start by breaking your workload down into smaller, less terrifying chunks. Before finals week, know when and where you plan to study. Having a schedule in place will decrease stress for the week. Prioritize the classes that need more attention or whose exams are sooner rather than later, but also be real with yourself. You may not stick exactly to the schedule and that’s okay! Just adjust as you go.
Find Your Study Vibe
Everyone has their own study style. Some people need dead silence (personally that drives me nuts), while others thrive with background noise. Find your perfect study spot, whether it’s the library, your dorm, or that random place in your favorite building on campus that no one knows about. Luckily, Auburn has plenty of great spots for studying, so find one that works for you. Additionally, set that phone to Do Not Disturb! My phone is by far my biggest distraction when it comes to focusing, so silencing those notifications is important to focus on the work at hand. Keeping snacks and water within arm’s reach is a must because nothing kills your focus like hunger! Finally, find your perfect study playlist: this could be white noise, your favorite podcast, or pop piano covers (my personal favorite). Total silence is an option too. Whatever will help you focus is the way to go.
The one time I pulled an all-nighter to study was also the last. I was exhausted for my exam and didn’t even get the grade I wanted. I know staying up all night to cram may seem like a good idea. Spoiler, it’s not. Skipping sleep will mess with your focus, memory, and mood. You’re better off studying for a few solid hours and getting a good night’s sleep than pulling an all-nighter. Sleep helps your retain what you’ve studied, so don’t sacrifice it.
Other Things to Keep in Mind to Have the Best Finals Week
Build in guilt-free breaks: You’ll get way more done when you give your brain time to rest instead of trying to power through for hours, and it’s scientifically proven that you do better work when you allow yourself to take these brain breaks.
Snack Smart! We’ve all been there, reaching for chips or energy drinks during late-night study sessions. While it feels good in the moment, junk food will leave you crashing later. Instead, stock up on brain-boosting snacks to keep your energy steady throughout the day. Nuts, fruit, and granola bars are easy to grab and good for you. Additionally, make sure to eat a nutritious breakfast the day of your exam to have more energy and fuel your brain.
Move your body! It’s tempting to stay glued to that chair in the library for hours, but your body needs some love too. A quick walk or stretch can do wonders for clearing your mind and giving you a little energy boost.
Find a way to engage with your material, like writing it in your own words, making flashcards, or teaching it to a friend. These methods tend to help the content stick and are more effective than cramming.
If you plan on studying in the library, try to reserve that study room a week in advance, they tend to fill up quickly.
Finals week can feel like a rollercoaster, but you don’t have to let it overwhelm you. With a good balance of study time, sleep, and self-care, you’ll get through it stronger and more prepared. Remember, you’re capable of more than you think. Even if things don’t go perfectly, you’ve put in the effort, and that’s what counts. Go crush it!
Be Well, Auburn.

Born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, Mykah’s decision to attend Auburn came as a surprise to her Alabama-loving family. Despite the initial shock, they’ve mostly come around—though she suspects her dad will never put his Auburn Dad bumper sticker to use. Mykah is now a Senior majoring in Human Development and Family Science, fully embracing the community and opportunities Auburn has provided for her.
Outside of her studies, she loves to stay involved on campus whether it’s Greek life or service organizations on campus. Mykah is passionate about music and you can often find her spinning her vinyl records or jamming to Taylor Swift. Exploring Auburn is another favorite pastime, as she’s always on the hunt for hidden gems around town, whether it’s a new lunch spot or a scenic trail. Her love for trying new things also extends to the kitchen, where she enjoys experimenting with different recipes. And when it’s time to relax, she never misses an episode of Dancing With the Stars.
Looking ahead, Mykah plans to continue her education after graduation by pursuing a graduate degree in Mental Health Counseling. She hopes to make a positive impact on people’s lives, carrying forward her passion for understanding and helping others.