Up and Running

Need motivation to run?
You need a path that features Auburn’s beautiful campus! Nothing is more inspiring than the stunning buildings and landscape here on the Plains.Here are four challenging routes that will leave you feeling accomplished and will remind you of how much you love this AUsome college town!
I love running—it's probably my favorite exercise. But I get tired of running the same routes over and over again. I wanted to change that, so I went to MapMyRun.com and created 4 paths around Auburn. I ran each of them and made them available here so you can too! War Eagle!
The "Ever to Conquer" Route
This route, passing the fields where our home games are played, is perfect for the die-hard Auburn sports fan. Personally speaking, I enjoyed running this path, but the changes in incline made it more challenging than I expected. A solid portion of this run was uphill, but soon after I crested the top, I discovered the rest of it sloped downwards.
Hey, if the athletes can make it to 6 a.m. workouts every day, then I can probably handle a couple hills at 3 p.m. Plus, you might just catch a glimpse of some of Auburn's star athletes as you make your way around the loop.
- Distance: 1.75 miles
- Difficulty: 3/5
- Estimated Time: 14 minutes
- Highlights: Jordan Hare Stadium, The Auburn Arena, Auburn Campus Recreation, Plainsman Park, Auburn Athletic Department, Moore Softball Complex, McWhorter Center
The Landmark Loop
Not only does this route pass some of the best sites on-campus, but it also features some historic downtown sites as well. One of the main features of this path is Toomer’s Corner—arguably Auburn's most renowned landmark.
I'm a bit of a sentimentalist, so I loved how this route has so many landmarks. When passing by Toomer's, I swear I could feel the energy of the place empowering me. Or maybe the exercise was just giving me endorphins? Either way, this flat and easy path put me in a great mood!
- Distance: 1.5 miles
- Difficulty: 1/5
- Estimated Time: 12 minutes
- Highlights: Toomer’s Corner, Samford Hall, Langdon Hall, Mary Martin Hall, Toomer’s Drugstore, Auburn City Hall.
The "Long Way 'Round" Route
This path takes you all the way around Auburn's campus. It is simple and has a few tough inclines. This route gives you a little bit of everything and a solid workout.
Being the longest of the routes, this path was the most daunting. It’s safe to say I saved it for last. Running two miles in the summer heat wasn’t my first choice of how to spend my Tuesday afternoon, but I finished the run feeling accomplished, proud and #blessed that it was over.
- Distance: 2.3 miles
- Difficulty: 4/5
- Average Time: 19 minutes
- Highlights: South Donahue Dorms, The Hill Dorms, The President’s Mansion, RBD Library, Samford Hall, Toomer’s Corner, The Shelby Center, Lowder Hall, Jordan Hare Stadium, Plainsman Park, Auburn Campus Rec
The "Old Auburn" Route
This quick path features some of the oldest parts of campus. The Haley Center and RBD are older and often under-appreciated buildings. Sure they may not be the most aesthetically pleasing on campus, but almost all students have had classes in them, and Auburn simply wouldn’t be Auburn without them.
There was something settling about running on the concourse. I didn't see much foot traffic, and I felt like I had more time to think and enjoy my workout. As a rising senior, passing The Haley Center left me feeling nostalgic of the mornings I spent in my supposed-to-be-easy 1000-level classes, and I got to relive each memorable time I was lost in whatever quadrant.
- Distance: 1.25 miles
- Difficulty: 2/5
- Average Time: 10 minutes
- Highlights: Haley Center, The Quad, RBD Library Samford Hall, Langdon Hall.
So do any of these paths sound good to you? Have your own route that you love? Let us know in the comments, or hit us up on social media!
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Jack P.
Hailing from the lively city of Houston, Texas, Lizzy loves how fast-paced, flashy, loud and bright this world can be. She is majoring in public relations and minoring in marketing.
A true “busy bee,” Lizzy is so dedicated to her social life and her work that “sleep” is not even in her vocabulary. You can typically find her wherever the most crowded place in Auburn is at any given moment, as she loves to be surrounded by people.
Lizzy is a complicated girl that would describe herself as both type A and type B, spontaneous yet structured, and out-of-control but also extremely “with-it.” She loves dogs, bagels, fun, and the word “fabulous.”