Falling Back in Love with Running

When it comes to running, people either love it or hate it. For me, it’s 50/50 depending on the day. My goal this year was to run a half marathon. Some days it goes really well and other days the last thing I want to do is run. Here are some tips and tricks that I use to keep myself dedicated to running that might help you too.
Stop the comparison
Everyone has a different pace, plan, and race goal. A healthy mindset that focuses on doing what feels right for you and your body can help motivate you and prevent injury.
Pencil it in
I am someone who needs a set schedule to remember most things. Making sure I have a specific time blocked out to run means that I’m not only more likely to do it but do it consistently.
Don’t make excuses
It’s easy to say that the weather is too bad, or you just don’t have time in the day. However, there are always options to combat this. The Rec has a great track that I love to use on cold or rainy days. The treadmills are also great for the days you just want a stationary run. When it comes to making sure that you make time for it, running doesn’t take as long as you think when you set a good pace.
Do your own research
If you don’t know where to start, there are tons of blog posts and apps to help get you started. The running community is one of knowledge and loves to help each other out. Doing your own research also means that you can find plans that work the best for you and modify them.
I have a love/hate relationship with running most days, but with these tips, the good days on a run are slowly overturning the bad days. I hope these tips helped you continue or start your running journey. Run strong and...
Be well, Auburn.