How to Come Back After Break without Losing Control

If you’re anything like me, you are desperate for a consistent routine by the end of winter break. Don’t get me wrong, I love waking up late and lounging in bed all day, occasionally relocating my cocoon of blankets to the couch downstairs. In college we all could use a few days like that to relax and decompress. Okay, maybe more than just a few days.
But when January hits and I’m counting down the days until I leave for Auburn, I find myself already feeling behind. I’ll think, “I haven’t even bought school supplies! What classes am I taking again? I should get more involved!”
The transition from zero to 100 happens real quick, and it’s stressful.
Now that I am halfway through my junior year, I think I have a pretty good idea of how to stay mentally sane during the rude awakening of spring semester.
On my five-hour plane ride to Atlanta, I reflected on the past semester and all the highs and lows that came with it. What are my goals for this semester? Maybe I will challenge myself to get up earlier each morning and read the news. Or devise a shopping list plan to save money at the grocery store. I want to challenge myself to get better grades, and not save my studying until the last minute.
Turning the page of a new year can be daunting – I often feel the pressure to pick up new habits or “change” myself in some way. But that leads to stress. A new semester means a clean slate, and you can make of that what you wish. Not everyone is on board for the new workout program or daily devotionals – and that’s okay.
In the wake of a new year and a new semester, remember to take a deep breath. Get excited to see the people you’ve been missing the past four weeks - and to return home to the Loveliest Village on The Plains.
Best of luck this semester and as always,
Be well, Auburn.
Photography: Jack P.
Writer, Copy Editor
Katie is a junior studying Public Relations. Originally from Seattle, Washington, Katie has made Auburn her second home. Leaving behind gray skies and the bustling of suburban life, she has chosen the sunshine and a new adventure in the loveliest village on the Plains.
When she is not in class you can find her glued to her planner scheduling every moment of her week, watching Fixer Upper marathons on HGTV, or wandering through the aisles of local antique shops.
Katie believes that Auburn is a place where she can grow as an independent, a leader, and a lover of trying new things - including every Tasty recipe video on Facebook.